When calls JSON.toJSONString (Obejct o) , how do I customize the transformation for a particular type (or attribute name) attribute of o ? ...
problem description encountered the conversion problem of fastjson in the project, when converting Java Bean to JSONObject. Fastjson converts java.util.Date to a timestamp when converted to a json object, uses an exception long birthday= (long) js...
serializer ObjectSerializer parse ObjectDeserializer but ObjectDeserializer is called only when JSON.parse (jsonString, A.class), which is given a type, is called. The direct JSONObject.parse (jsonString) is not called. I m looking for an ap...
how to use Fastjson, to only process the request message and not to process the return message, or to use the original processing method of SpringBoot? the code to add the Fastjson converter is as follows: @Bean public HttpMessageConverters f...
will RT, have this kind of json? ...
@Bean public HttpMessageConverters fastJsonHttpMessageConverters() { 1convert FastJsonHttpMessageConverter fastConverter = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter(); 2fastjsonjson; FastJsonConfig fastJsonConfig = new Fast...
when you visit http: localhost:8080 swagger-ui.html in generating api using swagger2, the page displays: fetching resource list: http: localhost:8080 v2 api-docs; Please wait. returns an empty json string {} when accessing http: localhost:808...
by calling an interface, adding a piece of data and returning the added data, how to update the view? what I don t understand is that every time the operation of adding, deleting, deleting or modifying has to call the interface to obtain the data again,...
Business background mpvue developer Mini Program wants to get global globalData on the page. perplexed it is not directly stated in the official documentation that this attribute is not found in App.vue and main.js files in the src dir...
v-bind:class="[{cyqkactive:cyqkPTloading},{cyqkactive:!Picactive}]" if you want this class to be affected by two variables at the same time, only when cyqkPTloading and recording Picactive is true can the cyqkactive show how to write it? ...
our company wants to develop a new feature, which is kind of like note-taking. allows users to copy content from a web page and paste it into an editor that retains the original text styles, images, and so on. Just like Youdao cloud notes and Evernote,...
use vue + element-ui to build a background project (scaffolding). Now you need to manage permissions in the background. As I have no experience, I would like to ask you for advice, such as how to dynamically generate routes when some pages are not displ...