problem description A spring mvc project does a very simple process String test = "test " write this string directly to the file without adding any encoding type settings running environment run in win10 tomcat8 idea premise I have set th...
when uploading a file to obtain the file name encoding, the prompt is CP936 format . mb_detect_encoding($file_name, array( ASCII , GB2312 , GBK , UTF-8 )); Baidu says that CP936 is actually GBK. But using iconv( CP936 , UTF-8 IGNORE , ...
interacts with a telent server, server communication code is gb2312 currently, the content requested from the server can be decoded with iconv, and the gb2312 sent by the server shows normal after decoding telnetInput.pipe(through2((chunk, enc,...
The icon "+ " appears in v-for, which one is clicked and which becomes "added ", all of which have changed with one click. The code is as follows: ...
the demand is like this there is an agent list. If there is an agent on the menu, you need to be prompted by the red dot in the agent list. After the red dot is processed, the red dot disappears app is the page layout.html <nz-layout class=&q...
var token = localStorage.getItem( userToken ); if(!token){ alert( ); return false; } var ws = new WebSocket("ws:"); when ws.onopen, I intend to send token to the server for verification, but it...
in the use of react to play a single-page library management system, found that click on the left navigation, some components do not display, and did not report an error is what is going on? github:https: hesisi rea...~~ =================...
<ul> <li>< li> <li id="index0">< li> <li>< li> <a onclick="delete()">< a> < ul> < div> <di...