problem description A spring mvc project does a very simple process String test = "test " write this string directly to the file without adding any encoding type settings running environment run in win10 tomcat8 idea premise I have set th...
original text: Yan Unicode is 4E25 (100111000100101). According to the above table, you can find that 4E25 is within the range of the third line (0000 0800-0000 FFFF),), so strict UTF-8 coding requires three bytes, that is, the format is 1110xxxx 10...
1. When I am converting the real data of two dataframe tables into numpy data for column content comparison, I encounter the following situations: input: individual elements of different arrays d12.values [0] [0], d12.values [1] [0], d11.values [...
when uploading a file to obtain the file name encoding, the prompt is CP936 format . mb_detect_encoding($file_name, array( ASCII , GB2312 , GBK , UTF-8 )); Baidu says that CP936 is actually GBK. But using iconv( CP936 , UTF-8 IGNORE , ...
android integrated ffmpeg encoding camera data mpegts format mpegvideo encoding error first step initialization extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_deerlive_jni_ffmpeg_FFmpegHandle_onFrameCallback(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, ...