problem description because our company s App wants to be an overseas market, it starts with internationalizing the language, setting the English or Chinese mode according to the user s choice. However, overseas and domestic requirements are differe...
SWIFT is not recommended to operate with reflection, but how do I deal with a list of string? when I click on a cell in the list, I get the corresponding class through this string and add the UIVIEW of the corresponding class? ...
I am an individual developer, iOS project launched-Technical support URL, does not have its own website, how to fill in? ...
iOS 10.3.3, there is a problem with the layout of tableView, as shown in the following figure, tableView has a sudden offset. the code is as follows: - (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews{ self.tableView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = N...
vue uses sdk to share Wechat shares in ios Wechat s built-in browser for the first refresh. If the title, description and picture shared are correct, the address is wrong, and the second refresh is correct. What is the reason? ...
problem description as the title the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what result do you expect? What is the error messag...
Hello, how do I implement https: mbostock . with a shader, which is also controlled by 4 contacts. this problem is aimed at the Objective-C language environment on the iOS platform. I want to assign it directly through the CATransform3D...
that s the question! mixed development, embed the vue single page that I wrote through webview, but found that $router.go (- 1) is invalid and can t be used, but I have no problem in Android and browser ...
Wechat Open Community search for what you want document Mini Program Mini Game plugin ask a question question title WeChat Mini Programs load page question 11max 40 question description 16px ask about Tencent document Center dispel rumors...
problem description create the project using weex, and then modify the page. The page consists of three div. npm start displays the content in the browser, but displays blank space on the iOS simulator and real machine . the environmental backgroun...
mainly encountered such a situation, from Weibo client (iOS) saved the same picture to the album many times, calculated photo hash found different. The same is true for the international version of Weibo. In addition, use Telegram to save the same pictu...
Why does a search on the Internet say that ios mobile native scrolling stutters? Mine is too fast?! What is the reason for this? was later added -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch the experience is a little better, but what is the phenomenon of const...
problem description when you do IM live chat, when you receive a message, you will display a small red corner sign on the icon of App, and there are several unread messages. Then the chat list shows the number of unread messages for a specific person,...
currently developing APP, with VUE wants to achieve the effect of Wechat opening external links as shown in the picture (APP embedded with external web pages). Before, I have tried to find a lot of BUG after iframe publishes APP on IOS ....
problem description follow the regular react-native official steps to execute the command. At last, the run prompts you as shown in the figure, but he does not produce the simulator . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you ...
multiple rectangles of different sizes are randomly distributed in a large rectangle, and these rectangles cannot overlap. (before the Ke sub-rectangle is finished, there is not enough space left for the large rectangle to put down a small rectangle, bu...
our company has an android,. I am the front end. because of the many tasks and the slow progress on the android side, the leader asked me to make the H5 page and nest it into the APP the question is: after I finish the H5 page, how can I give the pa...
when customizing navbar and tabbar, we all need to set their heights ourselves. this is how I set the current navbar heights CGFloat navbarHeight = CGRectGetHeight([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame) + 44; but for the height of this ta...
how to download all iOS Provisioning Profiles? under Apple account sometimes new test equipment is added, and then you have to download it from Apple s website, and the baler needs to be updated. Can you use the command on the terminal to update all ...
recently encountered a very strange problem, that is, the unified code (Wechat authorized login), there are always one or two mobile phones that cannot call Wechat s authorized login interface, and developers simply cannot get their information. Why? Ha...
the front-end project I developed with angular6 compiled the project copied to JAVA project webapp below using the command ng build-- prod-- aot . Static resources can be accessed through configuration in the JAVA project of SpringMVC . t...
for example, if you want to drag and select multiple cells in a table, you need to use native mousedown and mouseup events, but like some events that come with element, enter cell-click, there is a default parameter row. Now I want to transfer this defa...
compiling is very slow after modifying the code, but it still doesn t work after finding a lot of methods. Forget to point it out. var browserify = require ( browserify ); var watchify = require ( watchify ); var bundleLogger = require ( ...
A merchant Mini Program needs to call a map interface. I want to ask PHP how to write this map interface and what high map API needs to be called. ...
Why would an empty object that is not true, enter the if judgment? ...