Ionic2 project, there are dozens of pictures on a page that need to be uploaded or loaded. Is there any way to effectively compress images to make uploading or loading faster? ...
I see on-swipe-up on-swipe-down, but I don t see any effect. I mainly want to achieve the effect of the title bar when the front page of Alipay slides up and down. My idea is that when this event is executed to judge the size of the scrolltop, when it i...
this.http.get (this.AppConfig.url + url, {) params:params, headers: new HttpHeaders({ token :this.token}) }).subscribe(res => { networkheader:new nodejs koa2 app.use(cors()); ...
look at the official website just a few lines of code, do not know how to use, https: beta.ionicframework.c., there is no god to provide ideas or it is best to give an example. ...
Real machine test: Huawei phone usb links to computer, developer mode opens, command: adb devices cannot find device command: cordova run android prompt: No target specified and no devices found, deploying to emulator (node:6132) UnhandledPromiseRej...
after ionic start xxx creates the project: go to npm and start reporting errors > npm i Running command - failed! [ERROR] An error occurred while running npm i (exit code 1): npm ERR! code E400 npm ERR! 400 Bad Request: @angular c...
ionic serve can run ionic cordova build android (--release) and then generate platforms, but the folder is empty: this is the way it is now. I don t know what went wrong. It used to be fine. There was nothing wrong with it. When National Day cam...
personal development APP. now The performance made by using vue+hbuilder package feels a bit low. There are fewer interfaces supported natively . I would like to learn the three frameworks mentioned in the title. I don t know which development will be...
smooth animation can be achieved normally using the following code in js. animate () { requestAnimationFrame (animate); TWEEN.update (); } animate (); use Times error in angular as follows: animate () { this.animate = this.animate.bind (this); ...
there is a click event in a button on the login page about.html < button ion-button outline (click) = "tomodal () " > there is no login < button > in about.ts import {Register} from . register tomodal () { console.log(1); let contactModal ...
**ion-input cordova-plugin-keyboardcordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard, disableScroll(true) ** ...
there is a problem encountered in the ionic project. You need to upload a file through the API post, and two parameters can be adjusted on postman, but you don t know how to write it in the ionic project. If anyone encounters a similar problem, try to ...
as shown in the figure, how to click on the answer and automatically slide left to switch to the next question. Angular4, is currently used in the project. Can ionic achieve the above dynamic effect? how to implement ...
originally intended to use the ionScroll event in < ion-content > of Ionic3 to change the style of < ion-header > , but the event started with the style unchanged. But if I add a button to header, the style changes with one click. related codes ...
problem description ionic introduces Ali icon and appears box the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried according to what is said on the Internet, the code on Ali is downloaded and introduced into the project, wh...
recently found that all three of the company s projects have a problem in the title, that is, the official account is often unable to slide up and down on the Apple end, and the page is similar to being stuck. As shown in the figure: so how did this...
recently, in the development of using ionic2, there is a "strange " thing: on a page, there is a click event to change the active (a class) of the a tag in the page element to control whether the element is selected or not. It works fine in browsers an...
I want to get the information in the subcomponent, but I don t know why I can t get the data this is the subcomponent ts file html Why can t I get the data in the subcomponent ...
1. Page < ion-content class= "padding " style= "padding: 0px; " > <div class="list list-inset" style="margin:0px;padding: 10px;background-color: -sharpddd;"> <label class="item item-input" style=&q...
< ion-item * ngFor= "let item of items " (click) = "godetail (item) " > <p class="myi"> <span [ngClass]="{{{item.piao}}=== 1 ? qi : xian }">{{item.piao}} < span> < ion-item > ...
Autodesk-forge model slightly how to load this model in IE browsers? at present, only advanced browsers such as Crome Google are supported ...
the original book uses the old version, but now the purchasing agent for routing from django to version 2.0 is different the original is like this from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.contrib import admin urlpatterns = [] ...
[21:16:03] Failed to load external module @ babel register [21:16:03] Requiring external module babel-register [21:16:04] Using gulpfile E:Demoes6gulpfile.babel.js [21:16:04] Starting build ... [21:16:04] Starting clean ... [21:16:04] Fini...
tools mysql (engine innoDB, isolation level REPEATABLE-READ) scenario (there are two operations in a transaction) Update the total score value in the user table; insert the change log of the credit record (key field: current change integral sco...
1. After issuing the order, the group purchase should jump to the invite friends page, but he is now on the group purchase list page 2. And after joining the group, and after joining the group successfully, go back to the group purchase details page. T...