the goal I want to achieve is as follows: I use IDEA on my computer (win10) to link to remote tomcat (on my own CVM, in centOS7 environment). Then when the test is run, IDEA will automatically update the file to the server and call tomcat on the serve...
as mentioned in the question, I used Elasticsearch + mybatis. There was a problem in the integration. First, the figure @MapperElasticsearchRepositorymybatisElasticsearchdaoElasticsearchRepository articleDao beanActionspring.main.allow-bean-definit...
public class ClassA <T>{ private String name; private Object object; private T obj; public void setObject(Object object) { this.object = object; } public Object getObject() { return object; } pu...
URL is not hierarchical ...
Application entry : public class Main extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.setContentView(R.layout.frame); Fragme...
for example, in a user group, a user can belong to multiple groups, and multiple users in a group need to do bidirectional caching because they need to obtain groupSet:getByUserId:xxx userSet:getByGroupId:xxx in both directions then role, permission r...
as the title solved from the background, mostly ** * * @Configuration public class WebConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport{ @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { registry.addMapping(" **...
scenario: customize a MyDefaultServlet with urlPatterns = " "; when processing a request, only request.getRequestDispatcher ( " test.html ") .forward (request, response) is used; test.html exists. The purpose of the code is to understand the default...
@FeignClient(name = "china-mobile-api", url = "${}", configuration = FeignConfig.class ) @RequestMapping(value = " order v2", consumes = {"application x-...
< H1 > problem description < H1 > now you need to do token verification. The client submits the client id and the client key. After passing the verification, the server obtains the configuration expiration time from the configuration file, then genera...
< H1 > problem description < H1 > 1. Use the java client to create a queue with only persistence set. Android consumes the queue using the mqtt protocol. 2. Different versions of rabbitmq are used for testing and online. There is no problem with vers...
recently, I have done a lot of financial projects and found that sometimes there are always some small loopholes, leading to data confusion, such as calculating dividends and credits for users according to certain rules. If the calculation is wrong, the...
I have configured @ ControllerAdvice for unified exception handling in the zuul project, but it doesn t seem to work. Is there any good unified exception handling? ...
I just used solr, and now I want to store the data of multiple tables in solr for easy query. so am I stored in multiple instances? my understanding is that an instance will have a managed-schema, which is configured to store fields. where is the ...
this question is named goods Why is it followed by false ...
use SpringMVC + mongodb to upload and download files. downloaded files cannot be opened except TXT (garbled code). 1. Suspected to be a problem with springmvc messageconverter configuration, tried to configure byteArrayConverter 2. Suspected to be...
I use Aliyun s ECS with 1G memory, and the configuration is slightly lower. I originally wanted to install an elasticsearch to realize full-text index search, but the software elasticsearch was developed by java. It seems that the software developed by ...
public JsonResult add(@RequestBody(required = false) User user){ if(user == null){ RequestBody ; ; } } ...
what are the specific uses and uses of these two methods? I checked Baidu and said it could rotate and correct the picture. I tried to feel that there was no difference between the two methods. The following is my code. I don t know if it s wrong. ...
Why not restart the code in the modification method in tomcat? Those who add delete methods need to restart ....
1. Accidentally found that H2 can be done by h2-console, but is there anything more general? mysql and oracle can also directly modify the of the table structure in web....
does vue-quill-editor have the function of adding attachments ...
ask all of you if you have a link to the dataset used in the competition at that time. Because the official website has stopped downloading. Please share it with me. I am in urgent need of this data set in the project of commodity identification. ...
as the title: gin cooperates with swagger to generate restful api documents. But the rendering result is a little different from the imagination. ... ... "parameters": [ { "type": "fi...
Vue.directive( numbers ,{ bind (el, binding) { el.oninput = function (data) { this.value = this.value.replace( D g, ) } } }) I want to use the input event, but I can t assign a value to the input box the requirement is that t...