for example, in a user group, a user can belong to multiple groups, and multiple users in a group need to do bidirectional caching because they need to obtain groupSet:getByUserId:xxx userSet:getByGroupId:xxx in both directions then role, permission r...
such as the title. even if it can reduce data inconsistencies, it cannot be completely eliminated. Is there any other way to compensate for ? Or what? ...
is the rollback of the transaction a failure of sql execution or a success of sql execution, but will be rolled back if the number of rows affected by additions, deletions and changes is 0? ...
there are three actions in a Service method doSomething { Database write operations redis write call an api } how do I achieve the transactionality or ultimate consistency of this method? if there are only redis and database operations @ T...
I am like this now. The project has a lot of databases, all under the same mysql server, and there is db,db2,db3 in main.php. Now there is a storage operation like this. Table A comes from db2,B table and comes from db3,. When using transactions, it is ...
controller 2018-10-29 21:16:40.997 ERROR 9580 --- [nio-8088-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[ ].[dispatcherServlet] : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.s...
I test with the simplest code, opens the transaction, inserts data, and rolls back . but the database still inserts new data . my database type is InnoDB so I wonder if that s what it says in the document, pay attention to make sure your dat...
https: wiki. fail if the response message returned by any participant node in the first phase is "terminated ", or if the coordinator node is unable to get the response messages of all participant nodes before the query timeout o...
executing the following sql, in a while loop will result in the non-execution indicated in the figure. Sql uses the version field to implement optimistic locks. @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) ...
for example public class ShopServiceImpl{ @Transactional public void do1(){ do2(); } @Transactional public void do2(){ .... } } as in the code above, when do1 calls do2 (), are the @ Transactional,...
is it okay to write transactions like this, and do you need custom exceptions? DB::beginTransaction(); try{ $adminRoleObj = new AdminRole; $result = $adminRoleObj->deleteAdminRole($admin->id); $result = $admin->del...
when you use spring-data-redis to integrate redis, in a spring project and operate on redis through RedisTemplate, you want to package some operations of multiple redistemplate so that other Redis operations may not be inserted. public class Test { @R...
defines a service:UserService where a method is defined as follows: @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void saveException(User user){; throw new RuntimeException(""); } if I call this met...
hi, Hello, everyone. there are now ten pieces of data that need to be inserted and ten pieces of data that need to be updated. The data that needs to be inserted in suspense is a1memery a2magina3.a10, and the data that needs to be updated is b1memb2rec...
such as the title, recently, when I was reading some articles on distributed transactions, I saw some nouns, such as TCC and 2PC , but after reading them for a long time, I felt that the two seemed to be about the same. I can t see the difference. I hop...
what is the locking mechanism of mysql transaction serialization isolation level Open transactions in both An and B clients, if 1 if A transaction deletes a record (), B transaction cannot read deleted and uncommitted transactions in A transaction not...
consult data: 1. MySQL transactions are isolated, and the intermediate state in the transaction process is not visible; 2. MySQL dirty reading means that a transaction is making changes to a record, and the data of this record is in an inconsistent st...
the following is a calculation property written, but if it is not shown in span, console.log can print . what went wrong <span>{{areaUser}}< span> computed: { areaUser: function () { this.areaOptions.forEach( (element...
problem description want to achieve a component X, according to the incoming prop mode, dynamic load component C1 component c2max. component c10000 in one of the requirements can not be loaded extra chunk, to achieve lazy load that is, if the ...
God help me to see why this cannot be entered into the success function all the time. It has been alert (login failure), and it is circular. Because it cannot enter the success, it cannot save cookie, so it has been redirected and crashed . let bind = C...
I think that when the page is loaded, the cold word slides into the animation from the bottom of the screen. I just come into contact with Vue, and don t know how to write . <template> <div> <p id="cold"> <p ...
problem description: `O(n)` [1, asides, 1 , 2, 2 , baked, b , null, null, null ] 1 and 1 are not duplicates but, undefined, null should be retained. Do not use the syntax of ES6. ...