my own spring boot training project was fine before dinner yesterday afternoon, but I didn t do anything after I came back with a good log . Life and death just didn t work. Baidu spent the night looking for project structure . Log Code @Aspect ...
when I was testing with SpringBootTest, I found that the program would be started, causing the console test results to be flooded by the program output, and it would take time and resources to start the program. Is there any way to do SpringBootTest tes...
question: there are three arrays A1 = [ "i1 ", "i2 ", "i3 ", "i4 ".... "ix "]; x is an integer greater than 2 a2 = [ "K1 ", "K2 ", "K3 ", "K4 ".... "ky "]; y is an integer greater than 2 a3 = [M1 ", " m2 ", " m3 ", " M4 ".... " mz "]; ...
currently two projects, An and BMagee A, are running on another linux machine on the local and local area network, and the swagger is fine. Project B, running on the linux machine on the LAN, swagger is fine, but running on the local IDEA, the swagger p...
after spring cloud config integrates spring could bus amqp, there is a problem with org.springframework.integration.MessageDispatchingException: Dispatcher has no subscribers when accessing actuator bus-refresh The version I use is springboot:2.1.0....
exception org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.util.BaseBlockCipher$InvalidKeyOrParametersException: Key length not 128 192 256 bits. at org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.util.BaseBlockCipher.engineInit(Unknown Source) at javax.c...
as shown in the figure, when I packaged with package, I found that both mapper.xml and java bean had been modified. , that is, the plug-in is included in the life cycle of package. how to break this? In pom, my configuration is &l...
problem description the data returned to the front end comes from multiple microservices. Where should the data be integrated and returned? for example, there is an API getOrderInfo to obtain order information you need to obtain user information f...
as shown in the figure, the following problems occurred during the installation of es. I set the folders to 777 permissions and gave es user permissions. Why do I still report insufficient permissions during execution? Look up on the Internet, it is all ...
incomplete log output incomplete under window and linux related codes Log output: 2019-01-29 01:16:42.214 [restartedMain] WARN - No URLs will be polled as dynamic configuration sources. 2019-01-2...
start with java code: public class TUtil { public static <T> T getT(Object o, int i) { try { return ((Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) (o.getClass() .getGenericSuperclass())).getActualTypeArguments...
1. I am a rookie, in the process of learning springboot to do annotation mode of the full table fuzzy query, the result set of the query is always empty, but the sql statement in the navicat test can normally find the data, please answer the doubt, than...
topic description A JavaWeb project, the front and back ends are divided into member and admin to log in, with permission settings respectively. has now completed five permission tables (a total of 10 tables, five for member and five for admin). whe...
convert the level of an inner-table number according to the format. The format is defined as follows (matching the last digits): Type 1 AAAAA (5 hyphens) ABCDEF Type 2 AAAA (4 hyphens, excluding 4) ABCDE Class 3 AAA (3 hyphens, excluding 4) ABCD Cla...
void Parker::park(bool isAbsolute, jlong time) { Optional fast-path check: Return immediately if a permit is available. if (_counter > 0) { _counter = 0 ; OrderAccess::fence(); return ; } Thread* thread = Thread::cur...
The core of the problem is redirecting symbols on the command line, I can execute the program like this: java-cp classpath MyClass < data.txt that is, compile the MyClass.class bytecode file into binary code and run it, and then redirect...
Project overview: RESTful Api,spring boot+spring security+JWT is used in the back end and vue bucket is used in the front end. deployment: the front end is placed in nginx, port 8088 is opened, and the back-end jar package runs at port 8080 there ar...
after upgrading to idea2018.3.2, tomcat debug mode is started, 4 you can only choose from the tomcat configuration, which is a lot of trouble. is there any way to set this box to select build every time you click to debug? ...
the figure above shows the parameters for Wechat JSAPI pay to issue an order uniformly. when the amount is 1 point, you can pay successfully when the amount is other, all INVALID REQUEST is returned what is this? ...
the bindmessage of Mini Program documents can be passed, which can only be triggered when backing back, destroying components and sharing. I don t know if there is any other way to pass values ....
as shown in the figure style, when you click to search, the input box slowly expands from right to left, and when closed, the input box slowly closes from left to right. How to request animation? Thank you ...
I d like to ask all the bosses. the Wechat public platform I applied for has been certified, so whether the Wechat open platform needs to be certified again. Thank you. ...
problem: unable to clear the full box for indeterminate = false. indeterminate sets indeterminate status and is only responsible for style control boolean-false ask the boss to explain the three states of indeterminate: unchecked (empty), partially ...
flicker occurs when refreshing or loading the page. Use v-cloak to solve the problem. When the unread message is 0, the page will not flicker, but when the unread message is not 0, it will not be displayed. Is there any good way to solve the problem tha...
how to initialize mat2x4 in OpenGLES? ...