1 the result is that true, is tested after using where true all conditions are null the first condition is null all are not null can get the right result, and where 1 can get the right result. After google, it is found that no one has done so....
The key code of DriverManager-sharpgetConnection is as follows. Its logic is to loop all the driver, registered through SPI to set up connection, one by one to see which one can be established successfully and return directly . for(DriverInfo aD...
as shown below, use ant.jar to connect to the oracle database and execute the sql script, but if my sql script takes in parameters (for example, through sqlplus: sqlplus user password@db @ test.sql A B C ), it seems that script parameters are not suppo...
try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); bankDao.transferMoney(+2000, 1, connection); 1 2000 if(true){ throw new RuntimeException(); } bankDao.transferMoney(-2000, 2, connection); 2 2000 ...
the Jenkins run integration test reported an error and the local test passed. The database script is up to date. Log in to docker to see the latest table . Error Message Could not open JPA EntityManager for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate...
logstash configuration: output { elasticsearch { hosts => [""] index => "jdbc_index" document_id => "%{id}" } stdout { codec => json_lines } } it is confi...
using JDBCDataSouce is normal, startup and stop are normal, and no error is reported. when switching to C3P0 configuration in C3P0 XML: <!-- --> <bean id="dataSource_c3p0_properties" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledD...
when writing spring mvc using idea and maven, configuring jdbc to run later indicates that jdbcTemplate cannot be found. error prompt: 2018-04-11 22:37:07.936 WARN 10096 --- [ main] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Exception enco...
as shown below, I use jdbc to create a MySQL trigger, which is successfully created in navicat. After the sql2 is output, it runs successfully in navicat. However, when the program runs, it will prompt that there is a syntax error in the statement that ...
since the item width in the flex layout can be set using width , why is there a flex-basis attribute? ...
cannot get the returned Status Code 404 status codes in the response interceptor in main.js axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) { config.headers[ X-Requested-With ] = XMLHttpRequest console.log(config); return con...
now is the first one that can be echoed normally, and the second and the third can not be displayed normally. But if I change the value in the first one, there will be a value in the rest. ...
such as the title. detailed description: 1. For example, open Baidu with Google browser Chrome, press F12 at this time to open developer mode; 2. Switch to analog mobile settings mode (click the Toggle Device toobar button to switch); 3. At this poi...
Boss, I want to finally get a return value. Instead of a promise, you can understand the two functions above as the asynchronous return of the request interface ....