the local area network has two wireless networks An and B. When switching from A to B, automatically open the following web page: https: zh-cn?ocid. from B to A does not have this problem, colleague computers do not have this problem of sw...
< H2 > I know the process and basis of the three-way handshake. You don t have to explain the basic concepts to me < H2 > < hr > the question is why the second handshake cannot be done 1. The information sent from the client to the server is delaye...
all visit the website through the domain name, how to identify whether the client is an intranet customer? I have such a need. The column categories seen by the internal network through domain name access are different from those seen by the external ...
after the kernel upgrade, https: ] cannot be accessed ping can respond normally, but the browser cannot open . Firefox visits failed to establish a secure connection An error occurred during a connection to The peer re...
client network interface optimization, is there any time delay in merging interfaces, resulting in the possibility of failure? each time you enter the home page, you need to call the interfaces of various business departments within the company. -sha...
set up a site on a computer in the company s local area network, and there is no problem for local area network access. Now you want the public network to access this site, how to configure it? ps: has a domain name ...
are there any good books or learning materials related to Linux network management? requirements include the following aspects: Virtual network devices, such as: veth, bridge, tap tun, netns,. Network commands util, for example,: ifconfig, brct...
1. You need to use the paramiko module to send two commands to the switch. The first screen-length disable is used to cancel the single-screen echo, and the second display cur is used to output the contents of the configuration file. There are t...
NIO is suitable for architectures with a large number of connections and short connections (light operation), such as chat servers, and concurrency is limited to applications AIO is used in architectures with a large number of connections and long con...
ask a question about the connection of linux hosts. There are three hosts in the intranet, An and B can ping each other, C cannot ping A, C can ping B, where An and B are wired connections to the Internet, the ip is and respec...
the company network cannot access ...
now the company uniformly uses wireless Internet access (a wireless network card is plugged into the desktop), but there is a cabin where there is no wireless signal. I have a wireless router (tp-link) on hand. Because of the problem of sharing the prin...
static dns, which has been used before, has been well used. Yesterday, I suddenly found that I couldn t parse, but I could ping. and setting it to dynamic acquisition can connect to the Internet normally. Why is this the case? is it a local problem o...
ADSL technology can make full use of the existing PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network, public switched telephone network). As long as ADSL equipment is installed at both ends of the line, it can provide users with high broadband services without rew...
non-local area network, is there a way to get the mac address of a host? Know ip ...
function connect() { var socket = new SockJS( socket ); stompClient = Stomp.over(socket); stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) { setConnected(true); }); console.log("...
The UDP header does not contain any information that does not exist in the TCP header. In this case, why, as a programmer, must specify header information (port and IP address) when sending UDP packets, but not when sending a TCP packet? ...
as shown in the figure: there are two PC, with IP beginning with 10 (hereinafter referred to as 10PC) and one with IP starting with 192 (hereinafter referred to as 192PC). there are three servers, all with 10 IP, one of which has 192IP. the curr...
IP forwarding is enabled for server deployment pptp,iptables. after the completion of the dial-up connection of other computers, the first two are normal, but it is found that the computers connected behind cannot access the external network. I am a r...
give an example, the local client accesses the remote mysql server 3306 port. requires access to remote port 3306. my question is: does the network of the local client need to apply? Local access to remote port 3306, which port is used by the local...
app.json is configured with "Workers ": "Workers ", everything else is written according to the document ...
routing configuration Why do you switch submenus and take the mounted of the parent component? ...
function takeout(th) { var text2 = $( -sharpdata_matrix ).val(); var allcon2 = text2.split(" n"); for (var i =0; i < allcon2.length; iPP) { a = allcon2[i].split( t ); tab var ha=a.j...
the effect is shown in the figure: description: " " data correspondence is as follows: "companyDto": [{ "agent_code": "6666", "agent_name": "" }...] "bankProductFproce...
currently the loading component is used directly through axios s interceptor, showing when sending the request and hiding when the response comes back but for example, if there are multiple requests, the loading is hidden when the first request is re...