how can I write an easy customization test for a web written in php ? and what is this principle? you may need to automate the test recently ...
I have found a code that is file_put_contents but he downloaded to the specified file but what I want to implement now is to "click the button " to press the button (based on a string of url) and save it directly under the "browser " . how can ...
I don t know what this technology is called I can t find the result I want at all. is that when the user may drag the clip into a frame or manually send it on this end, will allow the user to cut the range first, and maybe 160x160 when the user is ...
to append an element to a two-dimensional array. I don t know why I can t append it all the time. The similar code is as follows, mainly using the function array_unshift (). In the document, it is said that elements can be appended to the array. <...
https: q 10. continue the above question has been able to complete the cut and get the cut base64 but now there is a problem I want to get the original size (uncut) slice at the same time, how can this be achieved? Send me several...
I use php to write an uploaded API for IOS APP to use just assume that the counterpart has successfully sent back how can I send 200 back to the counterpart? how can I implement this 200response so that the other party can access it? ...
<input type="file" > I give users several ways to upload messages like one is to press the input option , the second is that I have caught the image address of the facebook, and I m going to put this on the file. when the user presse...
there is a cloth size of $plat 600x300 I have first put a piece of film into the right 300x300 of this cloth right imagecopyresampled($plat, $xxx, 300, 0, 0, 0, 300, 300, 300, 300); then you want to 300x300 the user s slices to the left . left ...
I ve been looking for an afternoon how to install php httprequest?. have you seen that github is written by a human. is there an official download file? and then I can t see which one I want, pecl or HTTP extension . I have confused I am using c...
supposedly send slices on a list how to divide them into slices? $target_dir = ".. .. images user cover "; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["myFile_cover"]["name"]); $imageFileType = pathinfo(...
I have set the imagecreatetruecolor to be 300x300 , but I have set it to (400,300). I forced it to be 200 , but the film produced by me will be flattened (because the original temperature is 300, I set it to 200, so it will be flattened) how to achiev...
check how to send the image to the counterparty via curl. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, t...
want to check whether there is a way for php to when the user uploads a video, assumes that there is a photo 1000x1000 that exceeds the 200x200 value and height , then I force it to 200x200 the other and save it as a file in a certain file may be cal...
about facebook login! print out getPicture () in this format: {"height":50,"is_silhouette":false,"url":"https: platform profilepic ?asid=xxx&height=50&width=50&ext=...
because I am connected to facebook, I will need the following functions: $loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl( https: fb-sdk fb-callback.php , $permissions); echo <a class="user_signup_btn_facebook" href=" ....
login.php: require_once vendor autoload.php ; $fb = new Facebook Facebook([ app_id => xxx , app_secret => xxx , default_graph_version => v2.8 , ]); $helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper(); ...
$rangeY = range(1950, 2015); $rangeM = range(1, 12); $rangeD = range(1, 31); <select class="profile_birthday_select" name="yy" id="yy"> <?foreach ($rangeY as $key) {?> ...
because every user will have one or more attribute structures like this: so if I do this <? foreach ($data->{ attributes } as $value) { echo $value; }?> can list every id now the problem is that this array has several different c...
check it out. I don t seem to have found it on the website. how to upgrade the new version of XAMPP that has been installed in macos? is there anything related to teaching or experienced gods to share? I hope to be able to upgrade very easily ...
think about how update, does it, like facebook, Twitter, or other social networking sites, instant comment, notifications. What kind of techniques are used? If it is too difficult, what kind of technology can do it? I m thinking of ajax+settimeout, but...
how can I use python, to return to the page I left when I clicked on another APP and then clicked on the previous APP? For example: I first open a Taobao and then open Wechat or other APP, and then click on Taobao how to restore to the previously run pag...
how can two developers operate code on a remote branch at the same time ...
this calculated height determines the content-area (content area) of the HTML element, and I ll talk about content-area later. You can think of content-area as the area where background acts . for inline elements, padding and border increase the bac...
question background want to do a background management system, to do login interception regular requirements match admin * in addition to admin login, admin login , admin register, admin register , but similar to admin logina admin l...
I want to implement a loop body like this in the cPP Java language: for(auto i = 0; i < N; i += i) { do something; } but I try to do this in python: for i in range(0, N, i) -sharpdo something the interpreter reminds me undefined name...