as an aside, cropper screenshots support obtaining data in base64 and blob formats. What s the difference between these two? if I get file from the background in the following ways, which format is suitable HttpServletRequest request List<Multipart...
I use croppa, not cropper No croppa tag the address obtained with the ordinary upload tool is .jpg ending vue croppa.blob can I change the format after the screenshot? Get in .jpg format ...
if you use it to send an avatar to the user, the second time you open the cropper, it shows what it looked like the last time it was turned off. The picture, size and position have not changed. the boss rejected this effect and asked me to change it. ...
1. After using cropper.js, I found that < input type= "file " capture= "camera " accept= "image jpg,image jpeg,image png " name= "file " id= "chooseImg " onchange= "selectImg (this) " > Android can t call the camera, Macintosh can, but Android can...
https: q 10. continue the above question has been able to complete the cut and get the cut base64 but now there is a problem I want to get the original size (uncut) slice at the same time, how can this be achieved? Send me several...
https: Foliotek C. I found this package of clips , but the address of the clipped web how can I php accept this format? what else does js need to process before it can be sent to php?? all I know now is that this base64 will show up...
how to set the location of the clipping box during cropper.js initialization. You can t find this option in api ...
what I use now is the cropper.js image clipping plug-in, which is used on the mobile end. I want to set the width of the picture is the width of the screen, and the frame and area of height auto, clipping is also the width of the screen, which is a squa...
wants to handle some business logic in computed, but ESlint prompts that variables in data cannot be reassigned in computed; is there a better way for to handle it? Except for putting it in watch computed: { userData() { const ...
numbers between 99 and 9999999 (inclusive) with optional commas (1259) the problem is that I don t know how to solve the number 99, which is 99 [0-9] so it can only match 990-999, so if you don t write it this way, do you start with 100 and solve it...
function xlsBOF() { echo pack("ssssss", 0x809, 0x8, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0); } function xlsEOF() { echo pack("ss", 0x0A, 0x00); } function xlsWriteNumber($Row, $Col, $Value) { echo pack("sssss", 0x203, 14, $Row, $Co...
about the basic data types in the stack in Java, what is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit computers? this is a small assignment left by school teachers, and there has been no idea. Since Java encapsulates memory, it is not a very good study rela...
. app base cfg.pyc cmd contrib controller exception.pyc flags.pyc hooks.pyc __init__.pyc lib log.pyc ofproto services tests topology utils.pyc The files and subdir...