when Node uploads multiple files (no more than 100k for JS and CSS, each) to Qiniu, very few of them upload successfully, and most of them always return "connect ETIMEDOUT " at the 21st second (and sometimes return "write ECONNRESET " and "read ECONN...
GLSurfaceView preview black screen of video recorded during the development of Qiniu short video, with no content ...
No result was returned after Range was added to the download request header Rangecurl Range has anyone encountered it? ...
Qiniuyun calls OCR ID identification API, Authorization: Qiniu < AccessKey >: < Sign > Generation method Auth auth = Auth.create(acKey, scKey); String signature = auth.signRequestV2("http: ai.qiniuapi.com v1 ocr idcard?uri=http: img3.red...
use Qiniu SDK to play local MP4 without sound. Do you encounter this situation? even if the sound is turned on at 3, there is no sound ....
I m making Mini Program s sharing card. return returns the imageUrl image path in Wechat s api:onShareAppMessage. I use Qiniu to process the image. first use Qiniu s ? imageView2 5 w 430 h 336 q 70 to make the size thumbnail I need, and then use ...
in the process of integrating Qiniu with Uploadify, large files can be uploaded, but there is a problem. The Uploadify progress bar is 100%, and it will take a long time for Qiniu to see large files. That is, it is too long to see the attachment when the...
provides the download function, and ajax obtains the download address of Qiniu private warehouse images generated at the backend. Added attname attribute use window.location to jump after obtaining the download address. Some images can be downloaded d...
1. Failed to upload pictures using Qiniu on Android devices 2. Prompt Unable to resolve host "up.qiniu.com ": No address associated with hostname; Connect to timed out 80 timed out 3. The old code used before is used, and the previous...
Project background: the project uses gulp sass problem requirements: gulp.spritesmith is used to synthesize sprite images; but the problem is: every time a new png; is re-merged, the previous image location information will change; want: each new pictu...
normal code ( https: lian-yue.github.io vu.) <div class="uploadFile-container"> <file-upload ref="upload" v-model="uploadFiles" accept="image *" :multiple="true" post-action="ht...
WeChat Mini Programs doesn t know how to get the current rotation index to judge ...
my build.gradle configuration: flavorDimensions "default" productFlavors { free { dimension "default" applicationId "com.android.hello.free" } pro { dimension "default" ...
cut the rope, cut the rope of length n into m segments, and find the maximum value of the length product of each segment I would like to ask myself what is the idea of typing n and m ....