1, I got the address of the local picture on my phone through imagepicker. How can I get its base64 code? the json structure of the image address is as follows: "height": 218, "url": "content: media external images media 2522...
Q:React Native A page is composed of multiple components that render different data, so should I request this data through the main container component and pass it to the component through props, or render it directly after the request within the compon...
Environment: windows10, VScode, hippocampus simulator, Night God simulator, Samsung S8 phone description: after react-native init built the project at the beginning, build succeeded and was able to run helloworld in both simulators and mobile phones....
websocket: connection error , The operation couldn t be completed. Connection refused the development environment is as follows: react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.55.1 ask for rescue? ...
now react-native-router-flux, is used in the app. I don t want to use the tab, that comes with it. I want to use the tabview, given in teaset. Is there any way to use a self-topping tabbar? ...
ask for help! I have operated https: github.com philipphec. according to the following steps after import OpenFile from react-native-doc-viewer ;, undefined is not an object (evaluating RNReactNativeDocViewer.openDoc ) appears. is there any...
iOS undefined is not an object evaluating reactinternals.reactcurrentowner ...
is it necessary to use cocoapods for react-native projects? ...
package iOS, with script on the Jenkins CI of intranet cannot connect to the extranet , so specify CODE SIGN and PROVISIONING PROFILE in the packaging command as Manual . xcodebuild archive -project ${projectName}.xcodeproj -scheme ${proj...
the code in setTimeout in the react-native project executes immediately, but the cause is not found, and the problem is not found in the react project. if setInterval is used, it will also be executed immediately, and then triggered at a normal time. ...
const Tabs = TabNavigator({ NewsList: { screen: NewsList, navigationOptions: { static navigationOptions tabBarLabel: , tabBarIcon: ({tintColor}) => (<Icon name="ios-home" size={26}...
introduced React-redux, into RN, but now a problem has been found: after I enter a screen and do some operations, the corresponding state of the screen changes, exits and enters again. Since the state in store has not been reset, the state after the l...
in the shopping cart function, I break down the list of items into FlatList traversal. The problem now is that clicking on the plus and minus sign will call the background API to change the current number of shopping carts, but if you use the FlatList,s...
I re-call this._fetchData () when I load more data _ fetchMoreData () . Why do I report this._fetchData () is not a function () here? componentDidMount(){ this._fetchData(1) } _fetchData(page) { const that = this ,isLoadingDat...
1, I used an expo camera before, but it is not compatible with other modules, so I can t call it normally. Is there any other way to call the camera? ...
this is the first time to load 10 pieces of data. When I refresh it by sliding up or down, I can t get the rest of the data 10page(_loadMoreData),this._hasMoreDataundefined, this.state.isLoadingData,constructor()isLoadingData,_hasMoreData()_fetchMoreD...
need to do a StackNavigator is a background picture, do not want to make a solid color background, how to do? ...
react-native error Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid-expected a string (for built-in components) or a class function import React, { Component } from react ; import { AppRegistry, TabBarIOS, FlatList TouchableHighligh...
is there any component of react-native data storage that supports SQL statements? please recommend ...
The button on the page a can open moal,. When you leave page a, you need to close the open modal, for advice. Now the problem is that both BackAndroid and BackHandler, are valid when modal is not open. I have used react-navigation, and tried addlistener...
the token of laravel will never change if the cookie is not cleared, so it won t play a protective role? Is there any way to achieve timing change? ...
componentDidMount() { getTaskState this.props.dispatch(getTaskState("status")) this.props.dispatch(getTaskState( type )) } const homeReducer = (state=initialState, action) => { if(action.type === GET_TASK...
after upgrading Node from 7.9.0 to 10.0, the npm version became 5.6 instead. Why did you update npm separately and report an error again? ...
recently working on an h5 website, customers want to achieve the kind of background where the effect can be seen when editing. really can t find a plug-in that can preview in real time. Please give me some advice. Thank you. something like this. on...
recently, I have been looking at other people s projects and found that some projects separate the user table from the user balance table to create . user-> user Table user balance-> user_balance Table (which contains the user id and the number of us...