react-native fetch only supports https protocol. How to modify it to make it support http request? Rap Mock only supports http I read the forum and said that I would add two values to info.plist . it still doesn t work after I add it. How can I so...
opening App after React Native offline packaging prompts the following error: 2018-04-16 14:43:50.966 [fatal][tid:main] No bundle URL present. Make sure you re running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle. 20...
try to develop react-native according to the tutorial create-react-native-app of the official website. Remote debugging is also feasible but I don t know how to introduce antd-mobile I used yarn eject to convert it to react-native project . then y...
1. Environmental information "react": "16.2.0", "react-native": "0.52.0" http: shaoti... rniosrn(xxx)installReactComponentxxxiosinit pod,installxcodeiosxxx.xcworkspace : ...
install create-react-native-app, as normal to create a create-react-native-app project. After vscode starts with yarn, you can t see the QR code, showing a black area, but you can see it when you start it in the command window. What is the reason for t...
add the error code directly 04-10 11:48:23.497 19813-19813 ? E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.zrb.zrb, PID: 19813 android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@dd4f45 -- permission de...
can the file in .bundle format be decompiled or get the js file in it in some other way? solve? ...
has not done IOS development, is watching React-Native. now initializes a project with react-native init, in which there is only one App.js, so there are doubts about the project directory structure made a page with RN components NavigatorIOS and V...
as mentioned in the title: when react-navigation routes jump, multiple navigation headers are generated when you jump to components of other paths; if you jump to other components of the current page, multiple navigation headers do not appear. Why is ...
Click does not trigger onPress event ...
I have been using react-native-fetch-blob before, but this library has not been updated for a long time. Is there any other library recommendation? ...
want to be a React-Native novel reader, can you provide an idea on this side of text paging? ...
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task :app:processReleaseResources . > Failed to execute aapt * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get mor...
jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http: localhost:8081 index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true"]; the above code is normal in time, but an error is reported in a non-debug environment, that is, jsCodeLocation = [CodePush bundleURL]; ...
can the project written by react be directly packaged into app without using react-native ...
an error was found while entering react-native init NewProject details as shown in the figure: ask God to help solve it! Thank you! ...
node v8.3.0 solve? I don t know much about this . ...
when I try to remove the project: X @ AwesomeProject $ sudo npm uninstall AwesomeProject Password: npm WARN @babel plugin-check-constants@7.0.0-beta.38 requires a peer of @babel core@7.0.0-beta.38 but none is installed. You must install peer dependenci...
guys, I used FlatList to write two scroll boxes that part of the content is beyond the screen, but the screen can t slide down. How to break ...
1. Question: 2xcodehttp: :: xocode: react-native: Please all the great gods to answer! ...
I want to take each value in the array and render it to the page, but again {{each}} is equivalent to traversing the words of each string. What are we going to do? or do we have JSON.parse in the template engine ?...
**** ...
my apache is configured with basic auth. suppose my ip address is var www html remote.html it is a test curl-u xxxx:xxxx-I http: remote. gets such an output HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2018 03:26:06 GMT S...
ask, how do I end the corresponding excel process after using pywin32 to deal with shutting down cmd while excel, is running? ...
the .xml file of mybatis in spring-boot can only be placed under resources mappper, like this: put together with the interface, not uniformly placed under the resources mapper, separate, easy to manage. thanks! ...