sentinel redis generally implements master-slave replication. Can read and write be separated? Does java s api have this feature? ...
After thinking about it for a long time, I really can t understand how locks are used in listing 6-9. Locks are only set with a key, and are not used at all (such as if getkey () = = true and so on). The generated locks are still random, that is, the co...
after 1.redis pub sub has been running for a period of time, subscription listening cannot be queried by using the pubsub channels command in client 2. After the project starts, it can publish and subscribe normally, and the program of subscription mon...
can the chat record be saved in redis? because the chat record is time-limited, I want to use the expiration function of redis and delete it automatically at a certain time ....
original: http: topic clu. I read the article that a redis cluster has 16384 hash slots. What is this hash slot? ...
1. Why can redis? be used after php-redis.dll is installed in the development environment is this redis the client? 2. What is the role of the redis server in the online environment? Manage redis data or something? 3. This question has been searched o...
I have several projects that reference dictionaries. The dictionaries of these projects are all cached, and then another project maintains the dictionary, but it cannot access the cached database. It can only put the new or changed data on the oracle, so...
Can the redis- > lPush method get a return value? printed it and seemed to have nothing $id = $this->post( id ); $info = $this->PushModel->getPush($id); if(empty($info)){ $this->js...
for example, We all know that there are five data types of value: String list hash set sorted set so what are the data types of key in Redis? ...
the database index is configured in, but it is useless. It has been added to db0 by default. What is the cause of this? ...
does not support dealing with multiple keys. I personally understand that functions such as keys (), hkeys () cannot be used. Am I right about these two understandings? original URL: http: topic clu. ...
redis: database: 4 host: localhost password: port: 6379 jedis: pool: max-idle: 8 min-idle: 0 max-active: 200 max-wait: { seconds: 10, nanos:0 } timeout: { seconds...
using the list of kafka and redis to do message queues, it is found that the throughput of kafka is higher than that of redis. Does that mean that kafka is faster than redis in queuing and dequeuing messages? That is, the time it takes to process a mess...
We all know that a single redis command can guarantee atomicity, so is this atomicity guaranteed by the operating system s CAS primitive? ...
the data is designed as follows: assume that the user information is stored below,> HMSET user:1 username age 11 status 1 OK> HMSET user:2 username age 12 status 0 OK> HMSET user:3 username age...
the approximate code is as follows: func(id, ip){ int countId = jedis.hget("count", id); int countIP = jedis.get("count", ip); if(countId >= 5 || countIP>=5){ return; } ...
how do I choose to use it? ...
the invitee opens the web page by connecting: to generate a unique query string. How does the interface get this code value when the user registers and how does it match the inviter? ...
how to add more listening files to listen to different job states when I have multiple job Resque_Event::listen ( eventName , [callback]); ...