problem description In the A project, there is a method that first saves the data in mysql, and then sends the id of the data returned by the insert operation of mysql as the message body through kafka. (this method has been @ Transactional, so insert...
problem description kafka producer reports an error the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the same code, many computers are good. Only one station reported an error 2019-01-24 1515 DEBUG 55.811 DEBUG 448-[k...
as the question: what is the difference between 10 consumer consumption segments and 11 consumer consumption segments in kafka, which is faster? ...
the data source is kafka, and a field is a timestamp. We want to calculate the difference between the timestamps of the two pieces of data, and then add a new field to store this value and send it out. I checked. Do you want to reducebykeyandwindow? Wit...
problem description kafka consumption error the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried kafka 2.01 restart kafka error will disappear what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen? the erro...
problem description: client consumption using kakfa0.9 locally, consumer groups are configured into the code, and each consumer group has one consumer. Just started the consumption, there is no problem with the code consumption. After two days suddenly...
introduced two packages, kafka-clients and spring-kafka, version and 1.3.8 respectively. Some posts on the Internet that integrate spring with kafka do not mention how to add user authentication, that is, security.protocol and sasl.mechanism as...
the project has not been used before to use kafka,. To integrate it into spring, it is found that these packages are basically mentioned after searching on the Internet. What puzzles spring-integration-kafka, spring-kafka, kafka-clients, is that the conf...
configure concurrency spring.kafka.listener.concurrency=50 when a springboot program uses @ KafkaListener (topics = "orders "). if the program deploys two instances , are there 100 consumer threads that be...
I have a topic because of the wrong allocation of the number of shards when it was created. Use the delete command to delete it. Then, according to the method on the network, delete the corresponding node in brokers topics in the zk. You can t see th...
problem description spring boot Integration Java appears could not be established. when packaged How can Broker may not be available skip this step related codes configure as follows spring: kafka: bootstrap-servers: consu...
I set up a kafka service in the virtual machine of my computer and use the Java client to access it locally. Now if the service on the virtual machine is turned off by me, my local code will not be able to push messages to kafka and will report a timeou...
The native API of kafka can use consumer.assign (partitions) to subscribe to the API of the specified partition, spring kafka. Is there a corresponding method? I only found @ KafkaListener (topicPartitions = {@ TopicPartition (topic = "topic1 ", par...
there is such an application scenario: the payment center needs to push notification 4 to specify consumer; in the user group platform needs to send notification 1 to assign consumer to merchant group, 2 to assign consumer to user group, and 3 to s...
recently, I contacted kafka, and wanted to get data from kafka every half hour for updating and learning. I found a recommendation from relevant friends, which is to use flume to implement half-hour log rollback. The specific code is as follows -sharp ...
kafiaMirror maker monitoring is there any company s way to monitor kafka mirror maker? Can you communicate? thank you! ...
this article https: chunlon.: failed to send a message to the message middleware. Does the sender not know that the message middleware really did not receive the message? Or has the message been received, but failed to return response?...
use the goalng " Shopify sarama " library I now have two consumers, and the two topic,kafka partitions are set to 50, but in the actual operation, only one consumer is consuming, closing the consumers who can currently consume, and the othe...
how do you understand that python uses for in to subscribe to messages? I used to work on the front end, and event subscriptions are written in this way, which is easy to understand. eventBus.on( close , function(e){ console.log(e) }) recently, I...
Why does the new version of kafka consumer and producer configuration use bootstrap-servers to directly configure broker list instead of using zookeeper server addresses? Don t consumers and producers of the new version of kafka no longer need to get...
-sharp Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to CONSOLE. log4j.rootLogger=INFO, CONSOLE,FILE -sharp CONSOLE out information log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayou...
background: reflectAsm, is used in the project. I went to maven warehouse found gav, and added it to pom.xml. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project xxxx: Could not resolve dependencies for project xxxxxx:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find co...
as mentioned, what is the difference between the two ...
` { path: , name: home , component: Home, }, { path: about , name: about , component: About route level code-splitting this generates a separate chunk (about.[hash].js) for this route which is lazy-loaded ...
know a list, ask whether each element in this list is a child of another element, and if so, delete this element. list = [ GH , ACDB , AB , ABCFE , ABDCFE , ACFE , ABCD , ABD , ACBD , ACD , FCBA , FCDBA , FCA , F...