as mentioned above, I saved a variable An in store, and now I use this variable in the component (implemented). Finally, I want to update this variable An in this component. Please write a simple code ~ ....
Code one: import { addTodo } from . actionCreators import { bindActionCreators } from redux function mapStateToProps(state) { return { todos: state.todos } } function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ addTodo }, d...
original array, array is not fixed, there may be multiple, id and name are different, sid can be the same (the same belongs to the same category) var arr = [ { "id": "1", "sid": "mm", "name": "...
1. Scene: 2. Doubt ...
(function(){ var privateVar = 10; function privateFun = function(){ return false; } MyObject = function(){ }; MyObject.prototype.publicMethod = function(){ privateVarPP; return privateFun(); } })();...
The status can be obtained and has been tinkering with for a long time. Do not know how to call mutations, getters and actions defined in the module? const mA = { state : { a : 1, b : 1, }, mutations muta...
console.log() . this is all the code of js. Please have a look at it if you have time. Thank you. ...
read the Vue official website tutorial. In the dynamic components section, you see an example and want to implement it yourself, as shown in the following figure: then I started working on the tab section: <script src=" vue"...