executing the following sql, in a while loop will result in the non-execution indicated in the figure. Sql uses the version field to implement optimistic locks. @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) ...
has user table problem description Ten pieces of data can be queried with one statement, according to the post. The data includes the user information of the post and the user information of the commentator. How should I write ...
in oracle, does add_days ({sysdate},-1) push forward one day according to the current time? for example, if it is now 16 sysdate 00, do you get it from 16:00 yesterday to 16 sysdate 00 today, or from 0:00 yesterday to 24:00?-sharp-sharp-sharp problem de...
question: can dynamic SQL be queried again? for example, the following code: DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @SQL =gcb.B_ProcessSQL FROM G_CJTouchB AS gcb WHERE gcb.B_TouchName= XXX SELECT * FROM (EXEC sp_executesql @SQL) of cours...
could you tell me how to query the sql statement and how to implement it on ef? thank you ...
topic description < table > < thead > < tr > < th > Employee < th > < tr > < thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > Id < td > < td > Name < td > < td > Salary < td > < td > DepartmentId < td > < tr > < tr > < td > 1 < td > < td > Joe < td ...
needs to use the returned result of an attribute value corresponding to id->. Currently, you can only return List, with two columns and convert it using Stream. Does Mybatis natively support this feature? select id, sum(money) ...
The database is a file generated by the train collector in .db3 format. It is not valid to replace replace with wildcards in the sql statement. Use regexp to find the matching prompt no such function like regexp. Can regular expressions or wildcards be u...
as mentioned above, I want to count the number of records in the database. If a field is required to repeat, the count is 0. For example: a database of car sales invoices, in which there is a frame number field referred to as CJHM. I want to count the n...
a b c d 4 people a delegate the task to b. b delegate the task to c. c delegate the task to d. . The record seen by a. A-> b-> c-> d . how should the data table be designed? ...
problem description as follows, I created an attempt. I want group by to group the sum by RD.SKU and the RD.QTYRECEIVED field is sumsum, but I want to display the six fields of select instead of just showing RD.SKU and sumsum,. The simple point is, th...
how IDEA formats SQL? in MyBatis s mapper XML ...
for example, table a has the following structure: id score 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 4 I want to query score first unique (do not repeat), (then) and minimum, and the correct result returned id should be 3 so how to write the sql statement? Ask the great g...
the structure of the table is as follows: article table: id title cid 1 xxx 5 2 xxx2 6 3 xxxx3 7 article_line relation table article_id line_id 1 20 1 21 1 22 2 20 2 28 2 ...
the structure of the table is as follows: now I need to query the contents from different tables according to the user s input. How can I quickly and effectively find out the results I want? my idea is to associate the three tables, use case.whe...
wrote an attempt in oracle. I want to add a field to get the QTYGOOD and of the same RD.SKU line. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW aaa AS SELECT R.WHSEID, RD.STORERKEY, RD.SKU, CASE WHEN LOC.LOCATIONCATEGORY <> NG AND RD.COND...
1. Hope result: [ { "created_at": "Wed Jun 01 00:50:25 +0800 2011", "id": 12438492184, "name": "love your work.......", "user": { "id"...
the following SQL, query is very slow to optimize SELECT DISTINCT member.loginName,member.memberLevelId,member.regTime,member.multipleChannelsId, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cs_order WHERE MemberID = member.id) AS , (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cs_order WHERE M...
redis serves as the cache for the database, but redis does not support sql queries? How to solve? ...
during the handshake with the mysql server, I received the ERR_PACKET packet returned by the server, which indicated that got packets out of order, I checked the package carefully to make sure there was no problem with the data. At the same time, the max...