in a stored procedure: Will with create temporary tables? Where is it stored? if with also creates temporary tables, how is the efficiency different from manual create table creating temporary tables and drop table after use? ...
how to check the total number of records returned by answering query conditions in query pagination: select top 10 * from (select row_number() over(order by id asc) as rownumber,* from com_system_menu) temp_row where rownumber>((2-1)*10); the nu...
used to use mysql, you can directly set self-increasing id,PG and Oracle need to create self-increasing sequence. found that the primary keys in the oracle project do not use self-increment, but use the generated uuid. Is it better this way? ...
suppose there are two tables now. The first table, called prepay_card, represents prepaid cards, and the second table represents transactions of prepaid cards represented by prepay_card_transition . the structure of our first table, prepay_card, is as ...
I built a mapping service using nodejs-v8.15.0 and tilestrata-2.1.2, and now I have a weird problem debugging the output of geojson. my backend code is as follows: query=`SELECT ST_ASGEOJSON(ST_INTERSECTION( ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(way, 900913),4326) ...
report an error after installing postgresql with the installation package decompress to disk c and create a data folder under c:pgsql enter c:pgsqlbin > initdb.exe-D C:pgsqldata-E UTF8-- locale=C error 2018-12-04 22MAV 40MAV 03.694 HKT [7504] FATAL...
what do you usually consider when adding an index? I usually add an index by querying a few fields in the where clause and adding an index to those fields. ...
mysql is @ Column (name = "name ", columnDefinition = "varchar (100) comment comment ) what does postgresql do? ...
< H2 > there is a problem installing the mysql_fdw extension on postgresql. I don t know how to fix it. < H2 > Development environment: windows 7 postgresql 10.4 mysql 5.7.17 statement to install the extension: create extension mysql_fdw ...
the interface runs slowly ...
foreach ($res[ xsumpre ] as $key => $value) { $fsql="select count(*) from (SELECT sum(sumprem) FROM datatom.fccont where signdate BETWEEN $stime AND $etime AND agentcode in(select agentcode from datatom.shouxian_faagenttree where age...
foreach ($res [ xsumpre ] as $key = > $value) { $fsql="select count(*) from (SELECT sum(sumprem) FROM datatom.fccont where signdate BETWEEN $stime AND $etime AND agentcode in (select agentcode from datatom.shouxian_faagenttree ...
the database is postgresql. Table table shows the conditional data of several intervals of A _ Magi B ~ C ~ D, 1, finding the intersection of A _ mai B? 2. Find the intersection of Amurc, which is not in the B interval. 3. Find the intersection of Am...
how can materialized view refresh automatically in postgres? because to do BI applications, you need to use materialized view, but it is troublesome to manually refresh every time. How can you let materialized view update automatically when the data s...
it s not safe to enter a password every time you open it without selecting save password, is it? ...
normal table can be implemented in the following way, but the foreign table from mongo using fdw Synchronize is invalid. How to make materialized view update automatically when foreign table changes? ...
the structure of the table is as follows: now I need to query the contents from different tables according to the user s input. How can I quickly and effectively find out the results I want? my idea is to associate the three tables, use case.whe...
Environment: PostgreSQL 9.4.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2, 64-bit question: in the current Linux system, the character sorting rule of the database is en_US.utf8, so that the Chinese sorting is not the desir...
operating system: Windows10 tools: Docker for windows Database: Postgresql 11 docker run --name pg -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123 -v e: docker_data pg: var lib postgresql data -p 5432:5432 postgres mounting the folder generates the corresponding file a...
have a question about SQL: about the left join implementation of PostgreSQL or MySQL suppose: table structure table_name :user uid name 1 2 3 table_name : age uid age 1 10 2 20 3 30 4 40 SQL: 1: SELECT ...
vue baidu map area search how to clear the default dimension point <baidu-map :center="center" :zoom="zoom" :scroll-wheel-zoom="true" @ready="handler" v-on:click="getClickInfo(...
how to adapt web pages to screens of different sizes ...
now there is such a requirement, for example, I have an array: arr=[ { id: 84001 , name: },{ id: 84002 , name: },{ ...
the front and rear ends are separated, the front end is localhost:2200, and the back end is localhost:8080 and localhost:8081 An options request will be sent first when sending a complex post request. But options requests 500 not even changing the ...
background: Mobile, click the button and pop up a mask layer display prompt box, the contents of which need to be scrollable. then there is the problem of scrolling through, and the underlying div can also be scrolled when scrolling the contents of t...