sequelize query findone can return the first matched data then I want to get the last matched data. Is there a convenient way to or findAll to get all the data and then get the last ?...
the problem encountered at present is that the problem needed after associating a query through sequelize is that the result of the associative query is fine for the first time, and an error will be reported after another query. 1, two associated model...
In mysql, the time type is datetime , orm is sequelize , how to get the data within 7 days and 30 days in the table, how to write the query conditions (is it where date_col > 7 days ago datetime), and whether sequelize provides a more convenient way...
background: const EventUser = sequelize.define( userEvents , { payStatus: Sequelize.STRING }) User.belongsToMany(Event, { through: EventUser}) Event.belongsToMany(User, { through: EventUser}) use: const event = await EventModel.getEvent...
let pets=await ctx.model.Pet.findAndCount({ offset:offset, limit:query.limit, order: [ [ctx.model.User,ctx.model.Shop, userId , ASC ], [ createdAt , DESC ] ], ...
class Models { async setModels(app){ const sequelize = require( sequelize ) const files = await this.readModels() global.Models = {} global.Models._Op = sequelize.Op app.context.Models = {}
my requirement is to return the updated data after updating the data but sequlize only returns an array in update (), indicating the number of updates. has to check and return it once after the update. Is there a way for sequlize to return updated da...
define association: Theme.belongsToMany(Product,{through:theme_product,foreignKey: theme_id }) Product.belongsToMany(Theme,{through:theme_product,foreignKey: product_id }) theme_product is the intermediate table error message: throw new ...
problem description: there are three tables Table relationship description: the 1.category table holds the directory id and the name. The 2.category_product table stores the id,product_id of the category table corresponding to category_id and...
select cost1,cost2, (cost1-cost2) as cost3 from money _ .model.findAndCountAll ({.}) ask for advice. How to write the contents? This belongs to the calculation field! Thanks a lot! ...
the koa + sequelize, used will leave new sequelize, as soon as it enters the project. It s normal locally, but it won t work online. It s always adjusted for the first time, and it will make mistakes later. Later, it will be changed to go to new seque...
the model, created by sequelize-cli modifies the foreign key associate hasMany and other relationships, how to Synchronize this foreign key relationship to the database? ...
model.Form.belongsToMany(model.Issue, { through: model.FormIssue,foreignKey: formId ,as: formIssue }); model.Issue.belongsToMany(model.Form, { through: model.FormIssue,foreignKey: issueId ,as: issueForm }); model.FormIssue: const FormIssue =...
problem description uses node.js s ORM framework Sequelize to operate the database, defines the model model through sequelize.define () , and then sets the data type of the column data field to DataType to Sequelize.JSON,. After setting it to sequ...
at present, if you encounter such a problem of using mysql, first describe the scenario (some simplifications have been made to facilitate the answer): now there are two machines that use the same database account and access and operate a mysql addres...
in sequelize-cli, sequelize db:seed:all executes all seeder in the seeders folder. if you only want to execute a certain seeder, such as the 20180906061439-user2.js file, how do you write it on the command line? $ sequelize --help Sequelize CLI...
use strict ; module.exports = appInfo => { const config = {}; should change to your own config.keys = + _sequelize-example ; config.sequelize = { dialect: mssql , support: mysql, mariadb, postgres, mssql ...
Can the sequelize.query () native query use the replacements parameter to prevent sql injection? sequelize.query( SELECT * FROM projects WHERE status = ? , { replacements: [ active ], type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT } ).then(projects => { ...
problem description: there are two tables with one to many. The json data received from the front end already contains the records of the main table and the child table. How can create be recorded as the best solution? 2. Table structure such as: [...
problem description use KOA2+Sequelize to make a simple todo column, access the remote interface, add and modify actions, and the local store data is emptied the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried search Baidu...
In the mpm of apache, there are two mechanisms to prevent two threads from reading and writing to the same common resource (such as global variables) at the same time. one is file, and the other is posixsem . installing apache, with apt defaults to us...
when writing html with the vsCode editor, you can format the code with ctrl+k,ctrl+f, but when you open php, this shortcut key is useless. prompt for error as shown in figure so how do you make ctrl+k,ctrl+f shortcuts support php files? Thank you ...
Your app enables the display of nearby users locations on a map, but does not have the required privacy precautions in place. Next Steps It is necessary that you put all of the following precautions in place: Request users permissions to have...
In the chat room made by gatewayworker, multiple machines are distributed. For example, the two machines are monitored by machine a, and the registered address of machine b points to machine A. all programs are started and executed normally, but the inf...