1, background official Redis cluster clustering scheme currently used by redis: spring data redis and Luttuce currently used by cli: (luttuce is better than jedis instead of jedis, cluster) 2. Purpose want to delete some pattern matching key on...
when you use spring-data-redis to integrate redis, in a spring project and operate on redis through RedisTemplate, you want to package some operations of multiple redistemplate so that other Redis operations may not be inserted. public class Test { @R...
when you use the lua script to release the lock, an exception occurs when the return value in the lua script is int , but you can use normally when you change the return value to string . error message is as follows: org.springframework.data.redi...
background: recently received a task that needs to develop a background page. The background can generate a new page by typesetting by dragging components, such as the following figure (intrusion and deletion) it can be operated almost locally. On...
div sets the hover style, and the hover event is set in jq. Clicking div after the mouse hover div will trigger hover invalidation. How to solve this problem? html page code .box-div{ width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: rgba(...
1. Write a piece of code, but why can t you output the content? 2.import java.util.HashMap; public class House { private String name; private HashMap < String,House > has=new HashMap < String,House > (); public House (String name) { this.name=n...
what is the similar expression for NaN in JS? typeof NaN = number , NaN is a number type, so is it a 64 floating point number in js like any other number? feels that NaN is similar to 0 for the numerical type ~ ~ num, it will be converted to a ...
perPageFiles = filenames.slice(articleIndex, articleIndex + perPage); perPageFiles.forEach(function(filename, index) { fs.readFile(fileDirectory + filename + .md , utf-8 , function(err, data) { if (err) throw err; perPageDatas[index].arti...