oauth token this interface gets access_token, but it is the default format of springsecurity. I now want to change the format to a custom format {. code:"", msg:"", data:{ access_token:"xxxx" } Please tell me what to...
@ PermitAll @ PreAuthorize ( "isAnonymous () ") @ PreAuthorize ( "permitAll ") all kinds of writing methods have been tried, but they are all invalid. It is impossible to request these authentication-free interfaces directly. < hr > all the writin...
as in the question, how does SpringSecurity store user information? How to store it to ensure that each logged-in user gets his or her own UserDetails. UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext () .getAuthentication () ...
as mentioned, I now use springsecurity oauth to bind qq and Wechat, but when I POST submit connect qq Times is wrong, so I wonder if there is any other solution gotoBind(type){ let url = `${this.$url} connect ${type}`; axio...
when using springsecurity oauth to socially bind qq and Wechat, POST requests address: connect qq Times error, how to solve it? type = "qq" gotoBind(type){ let url = `${this.$url} connect ${type}`; axios({ ...
problem description after SpringSecurity is authenticated by user name and password, it returns that the validity period of JWT s token,token is set to 15min, but how do I refresh token, if token does not refresh, then 15min will expire later the e...
due to the use of SpringSecurity, the CSRF function is turned on by default. If you initiate a POST request on the front-end page, it will report a 403 error due to a problem with SpringSecurity s CSRF. Looking for solutions online and looking at offic...
I would like to ask: now that the backend is separated from the front and back, and the backend provides restful API, how does the backend permission be done? can the commonly used shiro still work, or do they all use spring Security? ...
I can t find SocialAutoConfigurerAdapter, when I use spring social 1.1.6.RELEASE in spring boot 2.0.4.RELEASE. I don t know what to do. Thank you. ...
visit this address http: localhost:10002 oauth authorize?response_type=code&client_id=awbeci&redirect_uri= http: www.awbeci.cn&scope=all and report the following error after logging in: Handling OAuth2 error: error="invalid_request", erro...
The implementation of inheriting WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is as follows. @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; @Override p...
when springsecurity returns cookies, there is no valid time for expires? where does springsecurity configure the place where cookies is generated? That is, the place that is returned to the front-end set-cookie. what is returned now is that there is ...
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class org.springframework.social.connect.jdbc.JdbcConnectionRepository$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$1196d00b cannot access its superclass org.springframework.social.connect.jdbc.JdbcConnectionRepository breakpoint information ...
the back-end framework chooses Spring boot, front-end and VUE; . I read a little blog about deployment, and basically put the static pages generated by VUE into the corresponding directory of the Spring Boot project. be more specific: in the git repos...
there are several components that vue supports uploading large files. Which one is more mature and stable? What are the requirements for the back-end api? The backend uses django-rest-framework https: github.com lian-yue v. https: github.com FineUp...
https: blog.csdn.net u013802. $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO table_name (name) VALUES (?)"); $stmt->bind_param( s , $postedName); I use this way to inject data into . It seems to be possible to wait for Filter. I see that "f...
the code is as follows: < section class= "inner-center clearfix " > <aside class="aside-left"> <ul> <li class="act">< li> <li><a data-class="collect">< a>&l...
problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried window10 remote connection local virtual machine centos7 configuration file has been modified bind has been commented related codes ...