how does a project based on Java s webApi implement user authorization? How to achieve single sign-on? the project consists of two parts: webApi and the website. can these two parts use the same authority authentication single sign-on? I have refe...
original address: https: yubao. the user s request to access domain2 is forwarded to sso, by domain2 instead of being redirected. want to know how sso knows that the user s status is fine ...
because of the need for sso single sign-on, different servers and the same domain name, the user center plans to develop with laravel, in which session is shared in redis. How to obtain session in laravel projects for other projects. Ask for guidance. ...
premise: on the PC side, add a search button in the input box. Is there an easy way? is something like this: it is better to write in bootstrap, not easy-ui. ...
SCRIPT1010: missing identifier this.$domNormal & & this.$domSelected | (null = = f & & (in editor.UI configuration, there is no UI configuration with menu "+ e + ", you can only take the default value ), f = d.default), this.$domNormal = b (f.norm...
my switchPhone function uses the arrow function to write that the value of this.isPhoneFooter cannot be obtained, but it can be obtained correctly by switchPhone () {} . What is the reason for this? the code is as follows export default{ da...
I would like to ask the gods, I in the phpstorm ctrl+ right click to enter a method, but this method is an empty method, where is his specific implementation? For example, the function str_replace: Click on the method : but the method here is empt...
for example, my own website, uses iframe to introduce (other people s websites, which I can t control). can you get this? ...