I would like to ask if there is any way to turn asynchronism into Synchronize, similar to ajax in jquery ; similar to this function getData(){ var dataList; $.ajax({ async:false, .... success:function(data){ ...
Hello, everyone. I m learning about mutexes. what I don t understand is that there are two situations in which deadlocks occur: 1, in general, if the same thread calls lock, twice in the second call, because the lock is already occupied, the thread...
Hello, prawns! I have two servers An and B, both of which started lsync and rsync, and now found a problem. I started the Synchronize task at 1: 00, and the process OK files are normal Synchronize, but at 2: 00 the Synchronize process died, during w...
I now have a tab switch. The title above is the requested data . < ul id= "myTab " class= "nav nav-tabs ul-menu " > <li v-for="(item,index) in lanmu" :class="{active:index == num}" @click="tab(index,item.category_id)&q...
The vue plug-in used by is officially recommended by vetur,. When editing .vue files and selecting vue in language mode, you cannot use go to definition or preview definition. The language selection mode must be changed to JavaScript. Is there any way to...
while (! $lock) { $lock = Redis::set( lock .$id, $random, nx , ex , $ttl); } I want to throw an exception at the timeout I specified in this sentence. ...
problem description Python flask s web project, which I created in idea, creates an index.html, that references the bootstrap, of the local directory but does not take effect. the path in href is OK if you enter the absolute path, but the relative ...
currently only know the traditional usage const App = connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(Counter); but many projects use @connect(state => ({ value: state.global.value, extinfo: state.extinfo, })) I can understand what i...