writes a class that wants to read the data from a file and then store the data in the database. saver.connectMongo() .then(async () => { const data = await saver.getFileContent(filename); console.log(data); saver.saveCodeToMongo1(data...
there is a scenario where I need to use setInterval to obtain ajax requests (the backend is unwilling to use webscoket). I find that when the interface is in pending, it is still polling for sending requests. I want to make an optimization, that is, stop...
topic description you need to print in the desired order, as Synchronize does. sources of topics and their own ideas this is a simplified problem of actual requirements related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the cod...
I would like to ask if there is any way to turn asynchronism into Synchronize, similar to ajax in jquery ; similar to this function getData(){ var dataList; $.ajax({ async:false, .... success:function(data){ ...
problem description in the process of using JavaScript to develop Mini Program, there are already many wrapper libraries that convert the original Mini Program API interface into a promise-based wrapper library, so is there such a library in the TypeS...
Ruan Yifeng s introduction to ES6-async function there are two paragraphs: function dbFuc(db) { async let docs = [{}, {}, {}]; docs.forEach(async function (doc) { await db.post(doc); }); } db.postfor async function dbFuc(db...
problem description needs the output result to be 1 blocking execution before output 3, waiting for 2 related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) const Koa = require("koa"); const app = ne...
has the following code. In my expectation, using two browser windows (A _ Magi B window) to access http: at the same time, the total time to wait for the two pages to load should be close to 10 seconds, but it actually takes 20 seconds,...
encountered a problem of generator function while learning knowledge such as generator promise async-await in js: var fetch = require( node-fetch ); function* gen(){ var url = https: api.github.com users github ; var result = yield fetch(url...
some async await are written in the action of vuex, and some are written in the .vue file method. Where should I write it? ...
problem background: when using vee-validate, it is necessary to detect whether the user input value already exists through ajax in real time. An asynchronous detection rule is defined and event throttling is used because of event throttling, I extract...
async function getTitle(url) { let response = await fetch(url); let html = await response.text(); return html.match( <title>([ s S]+)< title> i)[1]; } for(let i=0;i<2;iPP){ let urls = `https: img.codeshelper.com upl...
how to execute Synchronize among multiple async function blocks? example: how do the following two async function blocks proceed sequentially? class Example { first; second; constructor(){ } async getFirstVal(){ this.fir...
functiong getPromise(){ return Promise.resolve( something ); } let getSomething = async function(){ let a = await getPromise(); return a; } The async function returns a promise object, so there is no way to return a non-promise ob...
PageTagMapModel.getPageTagMapNum ({tag: single._id, status: normal }) returns the page_num found by the mongoose query, but if three lines of comments are used in the code, there is no page_num attribute in the resulting data. You can use = to assig...
this problem is difficult to describe, but I ll try to ,orm(typeOrm),mockProjectPanorama(ProjectPanorama) 3Panorama(mockData.defaultPanoramas) 3Panorama3ProjectPanorama ProjectPanorama projectId panoramaId 1 3 1 3 1 3 3panorama, ,le...
it is expected that the following code should be printed in the order of 1 2 3 4 5, but when it is actually executed, it is 1 2 5 3 4 4 (async () => { console.log("1"); let n = await new Promise((reslove, reject) => { console.lo...
API is normal under dev. Add api AXIOSbuildAPI to proxyTable of config index.js....
Why does this report an error syntax error: unexpected = how should I write it? public static $arr=array(); public static function test($str){ $self::arr[ time ]=$str; } ...
for example, there is a global variable STS . The js file in which this variable is located is injected into our page by the client. After it is injected into the page and initialized, a ready event is executed. However, the injection time of this js...
the array is as follows: [{ "name":"", "value":"400-0456-111" }, { "name":"", ...
can the swoole TCP server get the domain name requested by the client? for example, if I request the domain name www.lot.com locally, how can I get this domain name from swoole s tcp server ...