to achieve session persistence and ensure that it never expires, my approach is to set the session expiration time in web.xml <session-config> <session-timeout>0< session-timeout> < session-config> at the same time, I didn...
Environment: win2008 R2 (64-bit) iis7.5 php5.5.38 (nts-vs11-x86) php operating mode: fastcgi. Test Code $start = microtime(true); set_time_limit(0); @ini_set( memory_limit , -1 ); $file = . . time() . .txt ; for($i = 0; $i &...
the middle tier I started with node (koa) has a lot of timeouts from the very beginning. I wrote the timeout control myself. At first, I wrote the timeout, then the request grew, the timeout also increased, and finally I reached several hours, and then I...
problem description: in learning the knowledge of the CPP template, the program uses last to represent the last position of the saved table item, and during initialization, the last=-1, is initialized to an empty table (my understanding is that there i...
I wrote a composer package before; Today, I have some new ideas and want to make some changes; you know, things in the vendor folder can t be changed, so how should I modify a composer package? < hr > my idea: first clone this package from github t...
A weird error this error is hot to the eye. In theory, this kind of error VS should give the error prompt directly, but there is no error prompt. This kind of error will only occur when I click on the compilation. Then I see that there is nothing...
I want to match the lines of a text file except the last two lines cat xx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I want to match 1-6, ...
demand: Node.jsreadSteampostmongodb current problem: createReadStreamchunkNode.jspost the code is as follows: ** * Created by Administrator on 2018 4 29. * var fs = require( fs ); var http = require("http"); var queryString = re...