I installed dockertooolbox in the win7 system and loaded the docker image. as soon as I shut down the win7 system and reopen the dockertoolbox,docker image, the image will disappear. ask for an explanation! ...
if you want to do a voice broadcast function based on Java, the error mentioned above will occur at the step of new ActiveXComponent ( "Sapi.SpVoice "). You don t know what caused it, and you can t try the solution in other forums. ...
as shown in the picture: keep it. is normal before php-v is executed, and there is a flash in the interface after execution, and then this happens. Why is this happening? how to solve this problem? ...
I changed my password by adding a card reader on my tf to recognize it on my laptop. but now that I have forgotten my password, I still use that TF card to enter PE. this computer just won t go into PE. the light of the card reader is on, the ele...
C:Windowssystem32 > netstat-aon | findstr 80 TCP 80 0 LISTENING 4 TCP 49175 80 CLOSE_WAIT 3748 C:Windowssystem32 > tasklist | findstr "4 " System Idle Process 0 Services 0 24 K System 4 Services ...
after deleting the D disk from the computer, the space is allocated to the C disk system disk. Today s computers have a 128-gigabyte solid-state hard drive, known as disk C, and a 1T mechanical hard drive, known as disk E. A lot of software was inst...
how to exchange Caps Lock and Ctrl without administrator privileges. ...
I have a * .ahk file on my desktop. Double-click it to run it directly. If you want to edit it with notepadPP, you need to click the right mouse button and select the "Edit with notepadPP " option to open it. is there any good way, for example, you c...
win7 system. as shown in the figure, create a bat file in the same directory, and compress the dist folder into dist.zip ....
see that Zhihu introduced a method above: author: Zheng Yu link: https: www.zhihu.com questio. Source: Zhihu copyright belongs to the author. Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate th...
problem description: I want to use the "export function " of impression notes to export to disk. Because of the large number of notes, I will export a large number of small files in the format of .jpg .gif .pdf. In order to reduce disk loss and im...
recently do a local website, the domain name resources of the website: www.example.com, m.example.com img.example.com. If you can t use Ip access, you want to access resources locally through a domain name. first consider modifying the hosts file in t...
uses the following four columns made by vue-router, which is the product details interface, routing to productdescription, under the four columns of product information, purchase records, customer reviews, buyer questions and answers for four differen...
supposedly send slices on a list how to divide them into slices? $target_dir = ".. .. images user cover "; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["myFile_cover"]["name"]); $imageFileType = pathinfo(...
namespaced is written as a real cheat in namespace dynamic language first of all, why can t I even get a module? below is my store structure . part of the code within the component import {createNamespacedHelpers} from vuex const {mapState}...
two horizontal lines always appear when a row is selected consolo.log() ...
after obtaining token through appid and secret, the API for calling Mini Program to obtain unrestricted QR code is as follows: var token = res.data.access_token; wx.request({ url: https: api.weixin.qq.com ...