1. Question 2. Code Node* BST :: deletemin(Node*& r){ if(r == NULL){ return NULL; } if(r->lc == NULL){ if(r->rc != NULL){ if(r->father != NULL){ r->rc->father = r->fath...
problem description there is an electronic compass on the hardware. After being disturbed, I need to calibrate it so that it points north correctly. I used the ellipsoid fitting method, but the success rate is not high, so I can t judge whether the c...
topic description the first problem is to write a program to achieve 1 squared, 2 squared, 3 squared, and so on, up to the sum of squares of 10. Requirements: the square function is realized by the subroutine SQRT, and the program structure applies th...
according to Microsoft official documentation after setting up the Ubuntu remote host and zip, Visual Studio will automatically synchronize the header files from Ubuntu to the HeaderCache directory, but the header files under Synchronize are missing s...
void PLC::SearchControl() { QObjectList list =children() ; qDebug() << list.length() << endl; QPushButton *b; foreach (QObject *obj, list) { b = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(obj); if(b) { ...
I tried to use CPP s built-in array as the container at the bottom of the loop queue there is a piece of code to reallocate memory I simplified the code, one of which is as follows template <typename T, typename Allocator> inline void Queue<...
recently, after writing a PLC communication protocol, I sent it a command to read 1 byte after the address 0x0000 (the address 0x0000 exists in PLC, and sent successfully, and the data sent is correct), it should send me 12 bytes (including ACK, site nu...
problem description use malloc to apply for space in a function in a C language project. Finally, the function returns the value saved in this space, that is, there is no space requested by free in the function, so do you need free outside the functio...
I use UTF8 to transfer the iconv function for GBK, void TransContent(const char *pFromCode, const char *pToCode, const char *pInBuf, size_t iInLen, char *pOutBuf, size_t iOutLen) { char* sResult = NULL; iconv_t hIconv = iconv_open(pToCod...
1. Chinese cannot be included. 2. It must be a combination of letters, numbers, special symbols (any symbol except Chinese) or three combinations. ...
are all problems in boost. ...
how to avoid being grabbed by charles and other tools https if the root certificate is installed, icloud.com displays SSLHandshake: Remote host closed connection during handshake but baidu.com is fine. Why? ...
after transcoding at the backend, there will be problems in the return frontend . do these words come with " "? ...
problem description < H2 > break it up ~ it would be nice to delete all the previous compilation results and recompile them. < H2 > Environment: qtcreator project references the cuda_runtime.h file, which is referenced in the cpp source file, and c...
wrote a simple container using phpx and wanted to run it in php to do some testing. I have successfully written a dispatch_function to register in swoole before this, and it works well. After , I wrote another CPP class, created a new PHP class, and reg...
problem description the environment is scientific computing software, and speed is very critical. for example, there is a class A { public: T* paired null; A () {} T* getP () {if (p = = NULL) p=new T (); return p;} ~ A () (if (paired null) {del...
topic description the above problem can not be avoided is that there are two copies of the data, such as an article being edited in the background and an article that the user is browsing. How to achieve the amount of data modification, the data takes...
an array is in ascending order and then descending in order to find the maximum value. For example, [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1], using the optimal time complexity, the algorithm achieves the maximum value 3 ....
my algorithm idea is to take the 0th element of the array (arr [0]) as the hub. The array arr [0] is the left pointer and the array arr [9] is the right pointer. The left pointer moves to the right until a number larger than the hub key is found and the...
how to store an element in a class into shared memory? I don t want to store the entire class instance in shared memory. I just want to store one of its member variables. Ask for advice ...
the bin directory was not found on the server. How to use the command mongodump-h for database backup. Thank you ...
< view class= "i-class i-tabs-tab {{scroll? imurtablesMurray rolls : }} {{current? iMurray tablesMutual current : } " > , " <i-badge dot="{{ dot }}" count="{{ dot ? 0 : count }}"> <view bindtap="handle...
D: reactnative MyProject>react-native run-android Scanning folders for symlinks in D: reactnative MyProject node_modules (44ms) JS server already running. Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && gradlew.bat install De...
const AppContainer: React.SFC<IAppContainerProps & IAppContainerState & IAppContainerDispatch> = props => ( <IntlProvider locale={props.locale} defaultLocale="en-US" messages={props.localeMessages}> <App ...
problem description the MNIST train code in the book is changed by a b offset and the result is cost = nan the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried ordinary training, but I feel like there is a parameter. I don ...