the user field of one of the app is the foreign key of UserProfile (AbstractUser). After registration in admin, it does not display a drop-down list, but a search box. The result I want is a drop-down list it has been tested that associations can be d...
admin K2O using verbose_name will directly display it as text, which is not successful found that there is a format_html () method, but it doesn t seem to work here can only be used on list_display () ...
https: code.ziqiangxuetang.c. django admin integrated DjangoUeditor editor based on teacher Tu Weizhong s tutorial did not report an error, but it didn t work from django.contrib import admin from .models import Column, Article from DjangoUeditor...
1. My project is django 1.11, python 2.7, using celery 4.1, using django_celery_beat third-party libraries. After installation and migration, there is a scheduled task table in the admin background, which can be used normally. However, I recently used d...
< H2 > 1.Works model has three fields: title (title), category (cagegory), author (author), where category and author are foreign keys < H2 > title = models.CharField (max_length=200, verbose_name= title ) category = models.ForeignKey (Category, o...
as shown in the picture, how can I delete it if I don t want to see it in the admin sidebar? seems to exist by default. ...
Novice django, deletes the uploaded picture in the admin background only deletes the record of the database, but the picture still exists in the media img folder. How to deal with this? class HomePageProductPictureDisplay(models.Model): d...
< H2 > the border lines shown in the following figure (PS: is mainly the style of the frame, like a jagged card slot, similar to ripples) < H2 > ...
how to better debug basic auth ...
wx.chooseImage({}) as soon as the above interface is called, it prompts the following error VM8363:1 appServiceSDKScriptError Cannot read property mode of undefined;at api onAppEnterBackground callback function TypeError: Cannot read property mod...
when vuejs switches routes, memory leaks and IE11 cannot reclaim garbage memory. Open the task manager and switch routes several times. You can see that IE browsers can occupy more than 1G of memory. demo address: https: wingedSF m....
suppose there are four classes class Product { private Long productId; } class ProductImage { private Long productId; private Long productImageId; } class ProductAttachment { private Long productId; private Long productAttachmentId; } class Pro...