ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.connect(host, port, username, pkey=key, timeout=2) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(shell) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(shell) result =, where the result result can not be r...
after entering the domain name for access, the browser displays an internal server error. In addition, I checked the log and got the following error message. Who can give me some suggestions? Thank you Thu Sep 6 18:02:36 2018 - unable to load app 0 (m...
novice to python, enter the specified directory to execute a command see a solution. What I understand is that the semicolon is preceded by entering the folder, followed by the execution of the command, but executed in windows import os os.system(...
use django to design the background, use form form to transfer files, and then use < video > to play them, but for files larger than 100m, you can t fast-forward, and dragging the progress bar doesn t respond. What s the reason for this? Open a web...
Hello, everyone! I now have this situation, that is, I input several variables from the front end of django (some variables can be empty and will automatically fill in the default values). gets these variables with request.POST.get, but I also ...
the directory structure I want to design :admin,webwebapiapi,modelshelperslibrarysettingsproject(myshop)adminurls.pyadminviewsviews,templates,static. :modelmodels.pymodelgoodsgoods_models,orderorder_model,make migrationsgoods_model,migrationdjango dj...
problem description python mysql is all installed successfully. The framework uses django, to connect to mysql with the error of all the time. now mysql is running normally. If I delete the code in the database part of django, the program will run...
I want to access the payment function of the small website developed by H5 plus django, but all Wechat H5 payments and Alipay must have company qualifications. The website is also required to put on record or something. It s too much trouble. Do you god...
class ShopProductApi_Viewset (mixins.ListModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet) queryset = Goods.objects.all() router.register (rushing shopproducttapific, ShopProductApi_Viewset,base_name= shopproductapi ) above is my class view, and url s route...
problem description I wanted to do a form verification to familiarize myself with the functions of ajax, but after typing the same code in the tutorial, my django could not receive the data sent by the page ajax. All I received was debugged by none, s...
want to be able to do an internal platform for uploading csv files and previewing them. According to different information, we have established about 20 model, and because there are some necessary logic checks, the local csv files are read by called pan...
topic description DEBUG = False cannot find the picture path, other style files can be loaded file BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DEBUG = False STATIC_URL = static if DEBUG: STATICFILES_D... content how to populate the contents of choice into the front-end option ...
problem description Django2.0 internationalization is a multilingual problem. When I was developing locally, multilingual internationalization was perfectly normal and I could switch languages, but internationalization failed when I put it on another ...
admin K2O using verbose_name will directly display it as text, which is not successful found that there is a format_html () method, but it doesn t seem to work here can only be used on list_display () ...
for example, filter a model models.objects.get(***field_name***=conditions) my question is, can field_name be the result of a variable? For example, field_list = { field_name : name} models.objects.get(field_list[ field_name ]=conditions) field_...
I have a django rest framework project that has some API interfaces exposed to users. Now we need to automatically test the correctness of these interfaces every day. Is there any way to do this? ...
I used Django to build a platform for storing data. The amount of data is small, but there are many tables, so the background is the default sqlite when establishing a model, some fields are defined as unique. I hope that in the uploaded file, if there ...
my ueditor image access prefix can t be added! set "imageUrlPrefix ": "http: ", picture access path prefix in ueditor php config.json description: 1, background configuration and other codes are all intact 2, xadmin can d...
how does django determine whether users visit websites on mobile or PC? ...
figure 1 below is the referenced element upload component. figure 2 shows that the upload and removal are successful and saved to the background via filelists. figure 3 shows the data reflected in the modified item editing function. Anti-display can b...
var reg = (^1[3456789] d{9}$)|( w+([-+.] w+)*@ w+([-.] w+)* . w+([-.] w+)*) reg.test( 13807011234 ); false reg.test( ); true var reg = (^1[3456789] d{...
: PageHelper.startPage(pageNum,pageSize); PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(productList); pageInfo.setList(productListVoList); : PageInfo,setList? :https: pagehelper Mybatis-PageHelper blob master wikis zh HowTo...
I have six dates: 2018-07-21 , 2018-08-13 , 2018-08-30 , 2018-9-02 , 2018-09-28 , 2018-11-02 I need to extract the two dates with the smallest time interval, that is, the above dates, I need to extract: 2018-08-30 , 2018-9-02 could you tel...
I m going to use Socket.IO to implement a game similar to hearthstone. however, as I am used to RESTFUL API design, I don t understand how to use Socket.IO to control or verify whether a player has reached his trading round. I hope experienced peo...