looking at the https process, there is a question: why does https need to use a secret key exchange such as ecdh? keep it simple: the client randomly generates the hash value of the AES secret key AESKey, request data sign encrypt the AESKey+sign...
if Party A has a certificate and a public key and a private key, and if it is necessary to encrypt communication with Party B, the public key should be transmitted to Party B. what is puzzling is that if the public key is solved in the process of transmi...
at the same time to a buffer < 03 01 00 00 02 00 00 > encrypt. The result of java and c is CA 66 C4 5D 90 E7 3001 The result of nodejs is 6f 61 f8 95 ab ba aa 90 what is the reason why it is different? java code address https: ideone.co...
the background is like this. A software bought by the company was installed on xp, but now it has to be migrated to a new server. If there is a problem with the migration, you need to enter the registration code after installation. The company that made...
what if the decryption string using jsencrypt is too long and the decryption content is solved by Null? address jsencrypt: https: github.com travist js. website has found some but can not use many incomplete to solve this problem. import JSEncrypt ...
there is an old laravel project with the user s password field. Now the data of this project needs to be migrated to other languages (go). but the password field cannot reverse hash out of the original value, . how should I handle this situa...
encrypt numbers, such as 666, to get uiu2k1i2 and other similar characters without special symbols I tried to write, and I felt that my writing was rubbish. I hope some great god can give me excellent code example, url ...
as follows, I have two functions written in promis form function one verifyGA(type){ let that = this; return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { that.$post( user verifyGA ,{ gaCode:that.gaCode, captchaType:...
it seems that many articles treat unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, and functional testing as UI testing through headless browsers. so I want to make it clear, what is the difference between the tests? what is the purpose of t...
data problems occur when multiple forms are submitted on a single page. For example, when I submit the second form, the console prints the contents of the first form. Is there any way to modify this? ...
in a file of react project, both material and react-redux are used at the same time. When using default export, it is normally used like this: export defult withStyles(styles)(App) or export defult connect(mapStateToProps,null)(App) what shoul...
for example, in writing vue, the callback function after the upload function of element-ui is successful will have three parameters < el-button> < el-upload> Thank you very much! ...