problem description Gradle project is established in IntelliJ IDEA. The gradle version specified in the gradle wrapper file has always been 4.10.2. My local gradle has been updated to 5.2.1. How can I specify the latest versi...
problem description case: using gradle for the first time using the gradle wrapper command (I don t have any files at this time) built successfully build.gradle Cannot add task wrapper as a task with that name already exists. question: d...
debugging a project generated by the flutter plug-in using VSC shows that gradle (Initializing gradle.) it automatically downloads ~ .gradle wrapper dists gradle-4.10.2-all and then gets stuck here, complaining about the domestic network. I have ma...
there are two versions of the SQL file: Project contains springBoot+gradle+jpa. I looked at Liquibase, before and found that it can only compare the differences between two databases and then generate SQL. the answer to the question: remote colla...
problem description I feel that there is so little information about Liquibase, basically about how to update it directly to the database. I don t know how to implement its SQL Output mode. I just mentioned it on the official website, but I couldn ...
I am currently looking at the fourth edition of "Spring in action " and want to follow the actual project started in Chapter 5 of the book, but I have encountered some problems when starting the project using gradle and jetty. Code is basically copie...
problem description gradle task related the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried I want to add input to a three-party task during a build. The task of task is to compare and merge several files, and now I want ...
I want to use Extension to modify project dependencies in Plugin . now encounters such a problem. if I get extension directly in my apply method, then extension of project has not been assigned. but if I get extension in project-s...
Could not GET http: co. . Received status code 401 from server: Authorization Required Enable Gradle offline mode and sync project. I was fine yesterday. I reported this error as soon as I came to compile this morning. But...
I need to use google () in my project to read dependencies, see below: buildscript { repositories { maven{ url http: nexus content groups public } google() jcenter() } dependencies { c...
my build.gradle configuration: flavorDimensions "default" productFlavors { free { dimension "default" applicationId "" } pro { dimension "default" ...
I can t find the class in the core package after import and compilation. What should I do? ...
dependModules(is_debug){ it.startsWith(":module") } ... def getModuleNameStartsWith(def isDebug, def start) ...
one of my projects is like this app (application) login (library application) in login , I use the R2 value generated by butterknife , similar to R2.layout.login , which is copied and modified into a constant ( fainl ) from the R file of ...
1. Description of the problem: recently upgraded AndroidStudio to the latest 3.1.2 version in the project gradle and added several external packages including Apache httpcomponent, Google gson, squareup retrofit and converter-gson,gradle for sync and b...
thymeleafLEGACYHTML5mode,nekohtmlgradle ...
Java application :gradle init --type java-application :. gradlew build gradle init --type java-application Java,,build.gradle(,,,main) . gradlew build ,gradle? ? I just want to build a Java project with gradle and then compile and package it...
the following error occurred while building the app application Can t retrieve the Gradle executable. Build step Invoke Gradle script marked build as failure gradle gradle ...
I structure my project through componentization, and the shell engineering app, relies on components An and B as well as the underlying library C. Auroral push is needed in the project, so I added to the build.gradle of the base library C compile cn....
I have a module named core , in which I have declared that I rely on an annotation processing framework arouter the code is as follows ... api project(":core") kapt but it has no ...
for example, the fixedRate of a scheduled task is 5 seconds, but sometimes the task executes for more than 5 seconds. What about the next execution of the task? or cron starts to do a task in 5 seconds per minute, but if the task takes more than 1 min...
I wrote a command line tool based on webpack , using webpack-dev-server . Modifying the file does not cause page reload or module overload, as shown below: modifying files can cause compiled refresh to see the modified content websocket receive...
I want to write a set of dns bind management interface with python, so that there is no need to type commands on the console for domain name resolution. Knowing that bind has a DLZ that can connect to the database, put the parsing record into the DB, so ...
the following picture shows that when the mouse draws a circle from the upper left corner, the mouse position is not captured correctly, and the more the mouse goes to the right or down, it will move a great distance, as shown in figures 1 to 4 below. ...
I see that the official document only says that web-view requires a basic library of at least 1.6.4, so how much is the basic library needed for web-view to open official account articles? Do you need to be compatible? ...