topic description sources of topics and their own ideas personal blog reading statistics when leancloud was introduced, most of the templates found in the tutorials used ejs, but the subject used jade. As they are not familiar with Jade, all have th...
A question in the learning process that cannot be answered in the official jade pug documentation. variables defined in express routing are passed to the corresponding jade template and output to html is normal, but how to output the values in variable...
create a folder back under views, create a template under the back folder, index.jade, defines template routing, and access template 404. the directory structure is as follows app.js code is as follows var createError = require( http-errors ...
block js script. var details = !{JSON.stringify(buyTips)} block body .main -sharp{details} details is the data returned by the background (taken from mock). I want to render it in html, but not to solve it in the above way? ...
return data to the page exports.renderProjectList = async (ctx) => { let list = await projectDao.list(, await ctx.render( projectList , { list: list, csrf: ctx.csrf }) } render d...
div(v-drag) as in the code above, if the v-drag instruction does not pass a value, the pug will be parsed as Vmurdrag = "v-drag " , . will throw an error: [Vue warn]: Property or method "v " is not defined on the instance but referenced duri...
-sharpaccordion1.panel-group each val,index in projectInfo.formModels .panel.panel-default .panel-heading h4.panel-title ...
< button > 12 < button > < button > 34 < button > without line wrapping, how to write this in jade? ...
How do I get the absolute path of the current class when setting properties in the Java annotation? ...
pycharm failed to configure remote interpreter, judging that there are not enough permissions. The local ssh failed to log in to fedora using the root account, prompting Permission denied. version information is as follows: Linux Fedora 4.16.3-301.fc...
I am running powershell: Get-NetIPInterface : using my administrator identity. PS C: Users Administrator> Get-NetIPInterface "Get-NetIPInterface " cmdlet :1 : 19 + Get-NetIPInterface <<<< + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFo...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>TEST< title> <style type="text css"> li{ width:100px; height:30px; transition:all 2s linear 0s; } ...
renderFooter (quantity) { const _self = this; let wordStyle = { color: rgba(71,129,255,1) } let numberFrameCommon = { width: 40, height: 40, marginLeft: 10, ...