A question in the learning process that cannot be answered in the official jade pug documentation. variables defined in express routing are passed to the corresponding jade template and output to html is normal, but how to output the values in variable...
returned the entire page (including < html >) when using the AJAX request I have tried everything that I feel I can search for app.locals.layout=false res.locals.layout=false res.render({layout: false}) there are two other things that you can t rem...
problem description configure pug in the wepy project according to http: npm.taobao.org package., but as long as it is < or < =, it will report an error > > = No problem . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tri...
return data to the page exports.renderProjectList = async (ctx) => { let list = await projectDao.list(ctx.state.page.page, ctx.state.page.size) await ctx.render( projectList , { list: list, csrf: ctx.csrf }) } render d...
first of all, the source code is like this input(v-model="num" @keyup="search") -sharp .prompt(v-show="lists!=0") -sharp .list(v-for="(i,n) in lists" :key="n") {{i.name}} how vue listens to let the...
div(v-drag) as in the code above, if the v-drag instruction does not pass a value, the pug will be parsed as Vmurdrag = "v-drag " , . will throw an error: [Vue warn]: Property or method "v " is not defined on the instance but referenced duri...
< H2 > for example, if I send a video result in here, I want to call the backend interface through the ajax method again to generate its thumbnail. How can I pass video as a parameter to the pug template used by ajax,? thank you < H2 > ...
-sharpaccordion1.panel-group each val,index in projectInfo.formModels .panel.panel-default .panel-heading h4.panel-title ...
the server uses koa , uses pug template engine, and renders the template in the way of ctx.render ( layout , data) ). How to refresh the front-end page automatically after changing the front-end pug , less , js files? ...
1. The company uses mac to go home and its own computer is Windows 2. The vscode configuration files for both computers are the same does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you very much ...
now you need to make a front-end page for ipad pro2. Ui gave the design drawing 2732 to 2048. Should my page be set to the same size ?...
cycle highlighting in echart s line chart, that is, every 5 seconds, one line brightens and the rest darkens. ...
there is a server whose IP is 10.99.40.xxx, which is used to deploy the project, and a server with an IP of 10.99.1.x, which is used to store video images. if I want to access the server where the video images are stored on the project server. Should b...
the previous project (front and rear separation) is that the verification code and data acquisition are normal on the apache server! then switch to nginx server result graphics CAPTCHA cannot be verified! But there is nothing wrong with getting and su...
<script language="javascript" type="text javascript"> window.setTimeout("window.location= http: qm.qq.com cgi-bin qm qr?k=9KrO6yND1ExuTWJ6alGDdcC803nywUi9 ",1000); < script> I wrote this on a separate HTMLJS...