these two can be configured in the java program. need to be configured in the config directory of the kafka installation? ...
View the files under a topc of kafka [root@localhost TOPIC_QUEUE_ID-0]-sharp ls-l total 2932 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10485760 Oct 30 2017 00000000000003771019.index -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2985451 Oct 30 2017 00000000000003771019.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root ...
RT. now some kafka clients, whether java, python or go, provide the configuration of setting kafka at the client side and code level. However, kafka has its own configuration files. I would like to ask which one will prevail, and if there is a conflict...
Why do you use the kafka client script written by python to produce data as soon as the program runs, but it takes a while to consume the data (there is data in the topic). (both pykafka and confluentKafka are the same) there is only a very small prob...
the backend considers using kafka to handle message queues, and hopes to communicate directly with the front end instead of , but the kafka protocol is customized, and it is uncertain whether Mini Program supports . because it is under i...
using the list of kafka and redis to do message queues, it is found that the throughput of kafka is higher than that of redis. Does that mean that kafka is faster than redis in queuing and dequeuing messages? That is, the time it takes to process a mess...
{TimeoutError: Request timed out after 30000ms at new TimeoutError (E: workspace projects demo egg-example node_modules _kafka-node@2.6.0@kafka-node lib errors Tim eoutError.js:6:9) at Timeout.setTimeout [as _onTimeout] (E: workspace proje...
use a simple java client to send a message after simulating the configuration of a kafka server, but without message storage, you can only see the error log all the time (the message is really not stored) kafka.common.KafkaException: Wrong request type...
now there is a scenario in which you subscribe to kafka s topic, to get the message in real time, then check the database through the message content to get some fields necessary to build the document, and then consume the constructed document. now a...
recently working on flume+kafka+storm, I would like to ask you that you can access kafka-manager and storm ui without a password. Isn t this very insecure? how to configure an access password for these two pages? ...
1. I use vue+element-ui s Table form to lay out the layout. Now there is a need to pop up a pop-up page when clicking on the data, that is, to make a pop-up window. I first want to do it through routing, but I don t have any ideas. I ve intercepted ...
use element-ui, under vue-cli use menu-sider-bar https: -sharp en-US component menu-sharpside-bar but the single line height of the list is too high, I don t know how to lower it. The child items in can be realized by changing the...
switches like this. It s all on this page, but the parameters are different later <nuxt-link to=" test abc?sq=2">test< nuxt-link> <nuxt-link to=" test abc?sq=1">test< nuxt-link> whether it s asyncData, or ...
var replaceStr = - ; var str = a.value; _this.$set(a, newyasi , str.replace(new RegExp(replaceStr, gm ), , )); -sharp-sharp a.value~...
an error occurred when I used the command line ionic start mm to create a project named mm, and the project could not be created. error message is I would like to ask you, how should this error be solved? Thank you ~ ...