notify the third party at the end of the program: do not want to write this logic in every program; the search engine found the following two settings, but I don t know how to use them in hue workflow: mapreduce...
query data with spark paging. Ordinary sql () does not support paging sql statements. it is said that you can add a sequence to realize , but basically it is scala add a list of "id " information to the original Schema information . val schema: S...
when I use yarn install in the front-end project to prompt that java_home is not set, -Dhadoop.log.dir is not an internal or external command, but I want to use yarn s package to manage that solution ...
use hdfs to store pictures for the first time, and use java in the background to display pictures on the page. What are the specific solutions? 1. Tried using webhdfs , but redirected to datanode when accessing namenode , so cancel this scheme...
I have configured hadoop, and started normally, as shown in the following figure, master,slave1,slave2 is started. Why can t web find the manager page? ...
A hbase cluster with three nodes is now configured. configuration in the hosts file: node1 node2 node3 at the beginning, the java client queried the data and reported an error: Caused by:
problems encountered recently HA, the company s Hadoop experimental cluster, but found that if you directly kill the active namenode process, you can automatically switch to standby namenode,. If the active namenode node goes down directly (init 0), ...
when you get the contents of hadoop files in spirng controller, the hadoop service reports errors in batches FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream = Path(" 1.mp4")); byte [] a = new byte[20];
problem description the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried Watch hadoop videos on imooc, ubuntu18.04 systems, and use anaconda3 s python interpreter to execute. my code is exactly the same as in the video. related ...
as shown in the figure: if you do not comment on the first two sentences, you can do so. Otherwise, report to py4j.protocol.Py4JError: org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonUtils.getEncryptionEnabled does not exist in the JVM ...
there is a partition table containing json files when querying, an error is always reported Failed with exception Could not obtain block: BP-32616997-
centos version 7.2.1511 when starting hadoop2.8.5, prompt: [root@master sbin]-sharp . This script is Deprecated. Instead use and Starting namenodes on [master] master: usr bin env: bash: master: usr bin env: ...
after the stand-alone hadoop, running wordcount was deployed on the unbuntu16.04 virtual machine, the output folder was not created successfully. Environment hadoop2.9.1 java openJDK7 Show map100% reduce0% the error message is as follows java....
< H1 > problem description < H1 > I installed CDH6, on three virtual machines to install agent in the web interface, waiting for the newly installed Agent detection signal. This step waited for about 1 minute, prompting the following error: Agent ...
recently, Ambari Metrics Collector has been configured with distributed data storage. The changed configuration is as follows: hbase.cluster.distributed=true Metrics Service operation mode = distributed HDFSams${name}HDFS hbase.rootdir=hdfs: ${name...
if I set up more than one data.dir in a datanode on the same hard disk, will it increase the probability of writing to that disk when hdfs performs write operations ...
Please tell me how the data is handled after DataNode is uninstalled ...
problem description hadoop is deployed on the ubuntu server and HDFS and yarn are started an error occurred when the local windows java called the hadoop api copyFromLocalFile file the environmental background of the problems and what methods you h...
I try to run the main method directly in java to submit the job to yarn for execution. But get the following error message: 2018-08-26 10:25:37,544 INFO [main] mapreduce.Job ( - Job job_1535213323614_0010 failed with ...
my laravel vue project, after running npm run dev, there are several js files in the public folder, such as 0.js 1.jsrecover2.js. What s going on here? ask for guidance ....
< H1 > problem description < H1 > has the following data: WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 }) this time the elements in this array are deleted correctly. < H1 > final question < H1 > WH...
needs to show all the hours of the day. The data returned by the backend is as follows beforData: [] { "time_hours": "09", "approved_amount": 28068.0, "pass_rate": 1.0 }, { "time_ho...
when looking at eventlet s WSGI server: http: Securi. to start a wsgi server, simply create a socket and use it to call eventlet.wsgi.server (). excuse me, can eventlet.wsgi be used as a production server? Do I still need to add uw...
in the previous definition of a class, it is generally the structure of a base class (virtual base class or pure virtual base class) plus a derived class. the veteran programmer told me that like Microsoft COM, we should first declare some interface cla...