I have a ubuntu physical machine with two network cards installed on it. Now the network cable is plugged into the 100-megabit network card enp2s0, and the gigabit network card network port enp1s0 is not plugged into the network cable, but checking the ...
for example, I want to build three sets of the same php development environment on one machine. The domain name of the host is http: dev.xxx.com, and then I visit the address of the first environment: http: dev.xxx.com:8081. The address to visit the...
simulate a redis cluster on a linux host according to the tutorial https: redis.io topics clust... on the official website, where the command to set up the cluster is as follows: redis-cli --cluster create
background: Ali CVM, multiple instances of mysql built on a single host question: when tampering with master-slave replication, it is found that the log-bin file and position will change with the restart of the master library. Can only manually update...
as mentioned, the environment Linux, executes the .sql file. The purpose of the sql file is to set up several databases and several tables under the database. Part of the code is as follows: -- -- Current Database: `API_Descriptions` -- CREATE DATABAS...
use rmtrash instead of rm, to do alias rm= bin rmtrash.sh in bashrc found that when a personal account uses rm, the files will be moved to the ~ .rmtrash folder, and the root account will also be moved to ~ .rmtrash under the root directory. but...
-sharp! bin bash dir= root code_dir="code" doubleit() { local transfer_dir=$1 local moudles=`cat ${code_dir} depend $2` for module in $ moudles;do ${code_dir} build build_module.sh $transfer_dir $module transfer ...
[13-Nov-2018 11:45:04] WARNING: [pool www] seems busy (you may need to increase pm.start_servers, or pm.min ma x_spare_servers), spawning 8 children, there are 4 idle, and 17 total children the current configuration is pm.max_children = 100 pm.start...
is installed with yum on the Internet I. the software package required to install the NFS server: yum install-y nfs-utils then start the service directly with systemctl start nfs-server.service but I compiled and installed it, how do I start it?...
my hard disk speed is as follows. How long will it take to have 10000 files in the ls directory time dd bs=64k count=4k if= dev zero of=test oflag=dsync 4096+0 4096+0 268435456(268 MB)32.583 8.2 MB real 0m32.584s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.896...
there is a server whose IP is 10.99.40.xxx, which is used to deploy the project, and a server with an IP of 10.99.1.x, which is used to store video images. if I want to access the server where the video images are stored on the project server. Should b...
there is an OpenVPN server configured as follows: 1. There is a network card of network segment. The corresponding private ip is, and the public network elastic ip is x.x (that is, the service IP of openvpn) 2. There is a netwo...
cpu has a high load, which means there are more waiting processes, but cpu itself is idle or can handle other tasks, so why does the system change cards when the cpu load is high? ...
problem description start Times error mysql ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can t connect to local MySQL server through socket var lib mysql mysql.sock (2) there are no sock files in other directories find -name "* .sock " run chrony chronyd.soc...
worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; default_type application octet-stream; proxy_ignore_client_abort on; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; server { ...
I used this tutorial: https: help.ubuntu.com lts s.. After finishing that tutorial, I can t upload to VPS with FTP installed with my windows 10. Then do not know where to see it, execute sudo chmod-R 777 ftp ( srv files ftp) to upload, and then can n...
question 1: obviously, when you install IPtable, query, you are prompted not to install question 2: Baidu said that you still need to install iptable-service, if you are uneasy, how to keep the rules saved after IPtable restart? Please forgive me if y...
lsof command when I use the-p and-I instructions together, the output obviously has other processes (it feels like-p doesn t work) salamander@salamanderPC:~$ lsof -p 12299 -i4 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE OFF NOD...
each line of the text file record.json is a json, and the four fields of each json, K1Mus4, together represent a key key, that asks for the number of times this key occurs, and the number of keys that are not repeated. try the idea is K1-4 splice key, t...
A novice to linux, I don t quite understand what the problem is. I bought a $2 vps, from cloudcone to put it on a blog, and then I installed a graphical interface xrdp, on the widnows remote Desktop according to the installation on the Internet. Howeve...
1: can touch all-in-one or digital all-in-one use chrome browser to operate web project? 2: what software does touch all-in-one machine or digital all-in-one machine usually use to operate? The machine is installed with android system. Does the applic...
console.log (pic) merchandise address this is the address of the printed picture http: www.zhani.com Uploads. $( .tu img ). Attr ( src , +pic+ ); how to put pic into it, ask for great help, try many ways are not correct ...
by default, browsers do block non-artificial jumps, so I open a new tab and can t solve this problem in the past. the technology stack is angularjs + angularjs material $mdDialog.show(confirm).then(function () { var url = www.google.com ; ...
The page is normal, but there are errors reported. generally circulate the data of vuex directly in v-for, or add the data of vuex to the data of this page in created. ...
you need to develop a permission function for an antd project. Of course, the real permissions are completed by the background. The front-end part needs to dynamically display some menus according to the permissions and add or delete permissions to the ...