Why can t I get the value of sd? May I ask you to have a look? The framework used for is thinkphp5 s fastadmin ...
how does django import tets.py data when conducting automated testing? I export the contents of the database as api.json. Then import to the unit test database, but the unit test database does not have data, what is wrong? where the json file of the...
Hello, everyone. nginx log currently has about 100000 rows of data a day. Now I have parsed each field with python. Now I want to insert it into the mysql database. It is too slow to use for. Is there any good way to do it? ...
problem: use Spring Boot development, and then use Nginx reverse proxy port 8080 on the server, and then the problem arises. When you log in at the backend of the website, the user name and password are correct, which also indicates that the login is su...
< H2 > describe my problem < H2 > system: debian 8.0x64 server: Openresty default installation novice, the question is relatively simple, I beg your pardon problem description: I need to implement a unique match on request_uri (request p...
the counterparty uses the nginx ubuntu server I use curl to communicate with him I would like to say how to make a php interview after entering this interview, I can find out the current server status of the counterparty but how can I write this co...
nginx configuration server { listen 443 ssl; ssl_certificate etc letsencrypt live ** **.pem; ssl_certificate_key etc letsencrypt live ** **.key; ssl_session_timeout 1d; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:50m; ssl_dhparam opt dhpara...
< H1 > problem description < H1 > is currently developing a Django project. If you want to use gunicorn as a http server, and then use nginx as a reverse proxy, you will eventually need to use https. my question is: can I run a statement like gun...
nginx manages static pages, and then forwards requests for data pages to nodejs, why you can only get index.html? how should the page data request be forwarded to the nodejs--8080 port? there should be no need for a firewall to open it worker_proce...
conf is configured as follows security_ui is a static page, access is OK http: safeguard corresponds to daemon for example, when visiting http: localhost:8090 api index?msisdn=bc65670205bff064f878d61afa2e98b5&channel=null, sometimes pending, is v...
when you start nginx directly, it shows listening 80 and then I change it to the ip, of the server at server_name and the result shows: failed (99: Cannot assign requested address) what is the problem? thank you ...
Hello, seniors. I bought a CVM in Aliyun. I want to throw my packaged vue project on it and use the public network to access it. I can access it normally when I configure nginx, on my own window computer! But throwing it into the server of the linux sys...
nginx configuration upstream mall { server; } server { listen 80; server_name www.a.com; rewrite ^(.*) https: $host$1 permanent; } server { listen 443; server_name www.a.com; -sharp ssl on; ssl_certificate cert 1_www.a.com_bundl...
how to deploy node front-end and back-end code using nginx as a proxy? if you just upload the file dist packaged by webpack to nginx, only static pages will appear without background effect how to achieve this function? ...
question: use nginx as a local proxy; pc can be accessed, but my nginx web site cannot be opened with wifi or data traffic. address: http: photon i....
The company has given me a second-level domain name and is recently developing WeChat Mini Programs with node. However, Mini Program cannot add a port number to access the background, because there are so many projects involved, it is impossible to use n...
in daily development, we always encounter all kinds of anomalies. If there are anomalies, we need information to analyze and analyze, and the information usually comes from logs. In our company, some modules have a few G logs a day (too many). Some logs ...
angular s project deployed in the background nginx refresh will be redirected to the login interface. This doesn t happen on the nginx built on my own computer. ...
I have a local nginx environment, but we have many projects that need port 80. However, why do I configure multiple server in Nginx to listen on port 80, and then distinguish it by server_name? when I build multiple .conf files in the nginx configuratio...
visit https: www.oyohyee.com admin] will be redirected to [ http: www.oyohyee.com,www.oy.] use curl-IL https: www.oyohyee.com admin to get the following information HTTP 1.1 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY Server: nginx 1.12.2 Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 00:45:2...