Hello, how do I implement https: bl.ocks.org mbostock . with a shader, which is also controlled by 4 contacts. this problem is aimed at the Objective-C language environment on the iOS platform. I want to assign it directly through the CATransform3D...
knowledge and technical principles related to the production of staff spectrum by 1.ios 2.MIDI file parsing or sib file parsing 3. Implement parsing the midi or sib file into the staff spectrum and then have the playback function 4. There is a third p...
Undefined symbols for architecture x861464: "_ OBJC_CLASS_$_PLPlayerOption ", referenced from: objc-class-ref in MediaStreamingkitViewController.o "_ PLPlayerOptionKeyTimeoutIntervalForMediaPackets ", referenced from: -[MediaStreamingkitViewC...
create a public library, but keep reporting errors. Address: https: github.com shang12191. ...
problem description when you do IM live chat, when you receive a message, you will display a small red corner sign on the icon of App, and there are several unread messages. Then the chat list shows the number of unread messages for a specific person,...
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSArray * imageList = @[@"Googleplus",@"Twitter",]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 100, 100)]; imageView.backgroundColor = ...
as shown in the picture what is the meaning of the + sign and the letter? ...
to build a system that supports multiple time zones, I was thinking, what format would be better to save the time zone? Is there a standard for this? Asia Shanghai GMT+8 save an Offset, for example, + 8 is 28800 ...
< H1 > define cellWithClassIdentifier (Class,identifier) < H1 > + (instancetype) cellWithTableView: (UITableView ) tableView identifier: (NSString ) identifier { Class * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier]; if (! ce...
I want to record the screen using the feature that replaykit2 can record across app. Now I have integrated Broadcast Upload Extension and can use - (void)processSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer withType:(RPSampleBufferType)sampleBufferType ...
use Qiniu SDK to play local MP4 without sound. Do you encounter this situation? even if the sound is turned on at 3, there is no sound ....
when using Qiniuyun short video SDK, it sometimes flashes back and reports an error: Pili-ShortVideo-Authorization PLShortVideo SDK authorization status error: auth failed! -[PLSNoitacitnehtua requestData] _ block_invoke PLSNoitacitnehtua.m:81 have you...
as mentioned above, I am using the native form of h5 + to develop iOS and Android for fast integration and uniform style. but in iOS development, after I jump to the next page, using gestures to return to the navigation bar will turn white, and it is n...
A private method is used to get the corresponding accessorBar, and then hide it var = accessory=subviewOfInputSetHostView.performSelector(Selector("placeheldView")).takeRetainedValue() How to write this sentence in OC? Ask the great god f...
problem description error message: [W] Pili-ShortVideo-Authorization PLShortVideo SDK authorization status error: auth failed! this problem occasionally occurs in the real machine test after it is integrated into Qiniu Cloud. Sometimes it is clear th...
is there any way to package block once so that the self, effect is the same as weakself,strongself both inside and outside? ...
Special characters are restricted 24 CAN ...
I have several questions to ask for help Press the button when coming, and the screen will display "XXX tone connection " as follows https: imgur.com bw5l6pY then start to calculate the call time now I want him to stay in the XXX connectio...
the OC project cocoapods has installed a Swift library, how to call it? ...
problem description do you need to judge the system version number when introducing the header file library? our app supports iOS8.0 at a minimum. I now need to use a library that is only available in iOS9.0. In this case, do you need to judge the sy...
in some system tools, how does (NotepadPP) use an expression to match the first three strings containing the unordered "I ", "love " and "you " in the following strings: Q I love you b, love 666,777, you 888, you 9991 love 123111l, I am great, you ...
after reinstalling the win10 system, the graphics card driver is equipped with NVIDIA. the system warning pops up every time you boot, and the dll file is missing, about 7 and 8 times. it s no use repairing dll with some PC manager software. I d lik...
how do I convert strings to numbers in the thymeleaf tag? ${- sharpnumbers.formatDecimal (t.price, 1,2) can only format numbers. what if I want to change t.price*2? Please do not hesitate to comment ...
how does the latest version of openPullUp,closePullUp of better-scroll work? can anyone give me an example? and how to automatically trigger the drop-down refresh of better-scroll (listening with pullingDown)? ...
http is a stateless protocol that cannot identify who is accessing the application. So use token as the key between the client and the server for identification. but when does the front-end request need to carry token? Is it necessary to access those in...