recently, a terrible incident happened. After I opened QQ Mail s web page and logged in, I found that a strange QQ Mail logged in and saved my password. My heart thumped for a moment. No one used my computer recently. When was this saved? I ve been wr...
< H2 > problem description: < H2 > when sharing the php source code developed by the thinkphp5 framework to github or directly copying and sharing, the code involves the database account password and various third parties such as Alipay payment interf...
configuring CSS Modules has no effect. when you try to configure it like the official website document, add this code, all css styles will fail configuration figure: modules modulesheader ...
now goods item Table structure item_id, title, product_id, type, price there are multiple commodities under one product, and there are 4 kinds of type for merchandise item. There can be multiple commodities with the same type and the same product_i...
for example, like the Q & An on this site, what is the relationship between the structure of the data table? user list-> question table, one-to-many question table-> answer table, one-to-many answer table-> comment form, one-to-many comment table->...
has someone written a WeChat web page similar to now one function is to achieve the same function as app. The left menu of hot items and the following categories share a common item. Whether you click on popular items or click on the items...
choose that configuration for static files: location ~ .* .(js|css|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf)$ { expires 6h; -sharp } and this configuration location ~ .* .(js|css|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf)$ { proxy_pass http: app; expir...