has such an idea: the front-end and back-end codes of the project are deployed in a CVM of your own. your own CVM stores basic database data; users choose my server to store data or the server they buy to store data. I don t know if there is ...
can you upload pictures by curl simulating the following html form $file_obj = curl_file_create(realpath($file), image png ); $data[ imgs ][] = $file_obj; that is to say, this is the kind of thing. But this will report an error, Array to str...
the port and directory of the nginx configuration file have been changed, so why is it still 403 ...
I need to add pthread extensions to php on a server, cd pthreads phpize . configure prompt when compiling this step configure: error: pthreads requires ZTS, please re-compile PHP with ZTS enabled check whether it needs to be recompiled. Add-enable-m...
I used an ajax multi-upload upload has been able to upload more $fileCount = count($_FILES[ icon ][ name ]); for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $iPP) { $file = $_FILES[ icon ][ tmp_name ][$i]; $dest = .. .. images admin produ...
list all the javascript ways you know about reading writing local files, traditional, weird or creative. first give an example to show respect: var fs=require( fs ); fs.readFile( readtxt demo.txt , utf-8 ,function(err,data){ if(err){ ...
I installed images of nginx and php via docker docker run --name dphp -v $PWD php: app php:7.0-fpm docker run --name dngx -p 80:80 --link dphp:phpdomain -v $PWD php-web-server.conf: etc nginx nginx.conf --volumes-from dphp nginx < hr > af...
What does Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class EndroidQrCodeQrCode not found in mean in PHP? ...
el-tree Click to get the data of this node ...
{"returnCode":"0","resultCode":"0","amount":1.00} $param= {"returnCode":"0","resultCode":"0","amount":1.00} ; $param=json_decode($param,true); defau...
SELECT * FROM `product` AS p JOIN `store` AS s ON p.prod_id = s.prod_id my join has realized that I need store s name, icon and product s name, icon . What should I do? this is what I show: <? while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)...
post export function post (url, data) { let token = 111 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { axios(url, { method: post , headers: { Content-Type : application json , Authori...
[problems encountered] when drawing with PHP s GD library, the font path variable is set as follows, and the image cannot be output: putenv( GDFONTPATH=C: Windows Fonts ); $fontname= arial.ttf ; imagettftext($im,$font_size,0,$text_x,$text_y,...
el-tree child nodes are not all selected, and the data of the parent node cannot be obtained ...
use rsyslog+mysql+loganalyzer to build a log server data will be received repeatedly and inserted into the database has anyone encountered this problem and is there any solution? ...
multiple choice scoring rules each correct option has a score weight. Choose the right one to give the correct option a score weight, and if you choose the wrong one, the total score is 0 . if: the correct answer is ABC, with a total score of 10, wi...
1. Such as the title. 2.laravel reported an error The Response content must be a string or object implementing _ _ toString (), "boolean " given. looked up some information and said that the json_encode illegal character is the binary. 3. Using th...
my Cookie goes like this: cookie={"key":"V0tRTVF=","uid":"2","username":""} I want PHP to accept these parameters. According to reason, PHP backend to obtain, and then transfer the code can b...
upload pictures using curl. Keep reporting timeout errors. Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received my curl function is as follows: function myCurl($data, $file = null) { if (!empty($file)) { $file_obj = curl_...
how do vue custom instructions pass variables,? ...
ADD eureka-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar RUN bash-c touch app.jar what is the meaning and purpose of this line of RUN bash-c touch app.jar command? ...
,input ,input !!! edgevue elementui input(,),, input edge localhost:8080 ...
1. Python2.7 python3.5 python3.6 is installed locally, and the 3.53.6 sys.getdefaultencoding () output is all utf-8 2. I configured flask in the pycharm project using python3.6, but a coding error was reported as soon as it was run: FLASK_APP = ru...
1. Previously, the jar package of jasper report was directly embedded in the project, then the sql query was executed in the project, and then the result was converted into json format and submitted to the report 2. Later, it was found that jasper serve...