variables in a class public $id; public $group_id; public $parent_id; public $type; public $name; public $description; public $is_required; public $can_delete = 1 ; public $...
function preprocess(imageData) { const { width, height, data } = imageData; const dataTensor = ndarray(new Float32Array(data), [width, height, 4]) const dataProcessedTensor = ndarra...
php I want to write all the data to the data through the enumeration method. Although other ways can meet my needs, I still want the logical writing method of the enumeration method. Thank you. first of all, set to five groups of data, the total data ...
Laravel Version: 5.5 PHP Version:7.0 Laravel-admin: 1.5.* follow the official documentation step by step when installing laravel-admin. in the php artisan admin:install command, prompt me There are no commands defined in the "admin " namespace. ...
header ( "Cache-Control: public "); header ( "Pragma: public "); header ( "Content-type:application "); header ( "Content-Disposition:attachment;filename= ". $name. ".xlsx "); header ( Content-Type:APPLICATION OCTET-STREAM ); can any...
can Baidu Statistical Analysis analyze dynamic data? ID conversion of basic conversion data, but can dynamic data be converted one by one? How to transfer ...
Why does this report an error syntax error: unexpected = how should I write it? public static $arr=array(); public static function test($str){ $self::arr[ time ]=$str; } ...
figure 1 is the original data, and figure 2 is the data after manually splitting the column. can 1.phpexcel split the data without replacing the following data 2. In figure 2, Chunqiu and Yongan are all the names of travel agencies. Yu Li is the n...
$a = [ [ name => fk , age => 30], [ name => yy , age => 28], [ name => zz , age => 30], [ name => ee , age => 29], ]; fetch the array of age=30 $a = [ [ name => ...
encountered problems with data padding, which was previously populated with random data, using laravel model factory and Faker Generator to generate random data. It s very convenient. But I want to fill in some data provided by me instead of random...
submit data to the server with a post request through Ajax, and output the value of the $_ post superglobal variable in PHP. The output is shown in the following figure : demo3.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <hea...
how to convert the picture into a byte stream so that you don t have to worry about the space taken up by the file to store the picture ...
want to check whether there is a way for php to when the user uploads a video, assumes that there is a photo 1000x1000 that exceeds the 200x200 value and height , then I force it to 200x200 the other and save it as a file in a certain file may be cal...
divide 10000 yuan into five parts, and the value of the difference between each one is different, and the difference of $d should be greater than 100. ...
I found a project on github that I want to introduce locally to see this problem, and I don t have a game.json file for guidance ....
[solution] add to the front-end code as prompted by Derek_Chen <meta charset="gbk"> The display is normal after ! < hr > [problems encountered] attempted to receive the uploaded file using PHP, and the file was received succes...
one thing I don t understand when using docker: is there any difference between pull a mysql from an official image and then run it on my machine? is there any difference between using Dockerfile to first pull a centos image and then installing a mysql...
now I have a problem if there are two mac all have xampp installed but I all set up a web site in A mac so I will in A MAC but I also want to edit the same web site in B MAC how to make efficient Synchronize? I think it can be moved to google dri...
can the 1.spatie laravel-backup backup database specify which tables are backed up, which tables do not need to be backed up, and how to configure them? 2. 3. At present, it specifies the database type, and I don t think these are specified in the ...
Environment: win2008 R2 (64-bit) iis7.5 php5.5.38 (nts-vs11-x86) php operating mode: fastcgi. Test Code $start = microtime(true); set_time_limit(0); @ini_set( memory_limit , -1 ); $file = . . time() . .txt ; for($i = 0; $i &...
On the form form, the rendering list is of course taken from the backend, but the operator adds a specific address and needs to send the coordinates to the backend (which can be used for weather and navigation). The coordinates are rendered through Baid...
use thinkphp5.1x for interface development and do a global exception handling layer. class ExceptionHandler extends Handle { private $code; private $msg; private $errCode; public function render( Exception $e) { if($e insta...
Vue.directive( keyup , { DOM bind: function() { console.log( keyup bind ) }, inserted: function(el, binding, vnode) { console.log( keyup inserted ) if (that.mubiao.toString...
can the html5Plus specification and api exist independently of mui and Hbuilder, like <script src="https: npm vue dist vue.js">< script> like vue.js, you can use by introducing it directly. ...
using the hot update of cordova to report an error, the error description of the mobile end is: failed to download application configuration file 1.config.xml configuration: 2.chcp.json cordova-hcp build "min_native_interface ": 1 3.index.jsif(error...