the error message is: Warning: file_get_contents (): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known it is accessible to access the url directly in the local browser, and the domain name ping is also accessible in the server,...
str+= < div class= "mui-input-row mui-radio mui-left " > ; str+= < label > set to default < label > ; str+= < input name= "radio1 " type= "radio " checked class= "moren " id= + [I] .id + > str+= < div > use mui s butt...
suppose I want to catch the number of google meals how can I do it in php? I ve been thinking about it for a long time. I m almost done. do you use curl? but there are no similar codes to refer to ....
Many people on use calculator examples to illustrate these two principles, but it seems that the difference is that OCP has an abstract class, while SRP does not inherit abstraction compared with SRP, OCP, the examples of 1.OCP are all independent of...
Laravel version5.5, uses php artisan serve to start the metropolis server to confirm that the route has been registered, the result obtained by using php artisan route:list is as follows visit batches and return 200 correctly visit b...
apache2ctl-M can see that fcgid_module (shared) already exists. Please turn off apache2handle and enable fcgi to parse php?. ...
1. Query the user list and initially change the associated order table, but there are too many users, which causes the mysql placeholder to pass and a mysql error is reported. 2, User::with ( order )-> get () error: General error: 1390 Prepared st...
<?php header("Content-Type:application json;charset=UTF-8"); $uphonenumber = $_POST[ phonenumber ]; post $json = ; $data = array(); include( init.php ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM yffice_project where...
other messages can be sent normally payment success mail cannot be sent background configuration is also normal ...
Today I want to submit a little bit of stuff to packagist according to the tutorials; but at the last step of the tutorials, I made a mistake. I didn t report an error when I submitted it to packagist; but if I execute composer require daji hello...
firewall, the integrated environment of system Centos7,, does not have the permission to run mysql. Iptables has been restarted. Refresh authorization error: Mysql user:Iptables: New processing: 1. Modify mysql configuration file vi ...
for example, (- 1) get 225 ...
< H2 > description < H2 > normal if PHP, is installed on the system, if you want to run a php script directly, php a.php can see the result. how do I execute an a.php script if I use a docker build image? ...
when the uploaded image is larger than 3 megabytes, do not remind the upload error ...
when I check the php version, I am prompted for an error PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library (tried: usr lib php 20170718 ( usr lib php 20170718 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directo...
the problem of bosses uploading avatars by x3.4, uc communication is successful, uc_server data avatar permissions recursive 777, after clearing the cache and ctrl+f5 refreshing, uploading avatars is completed or not displayed what is the problem, n...
Please take a look. Is it wrong to write this? why can t you parse this variable ? ...
for git, it is only a simple operation. I would like to ask the team to assist in the general basic process ....
vue rookie this items is passed in from the parent component. How to make the dynamic v-model of this input different? try it for 3 hours and ask God for help ...
the following is a request code. I need to send the cleartext information to the browser. I know that using res.write () can be output to the browser. But what should I do if I report an error?{url:ajaxurlip + url, form: { req :ciphert...
Please help me to see what the problem is. Typing java and javac on the command line is useful, and I ve been doing java development with eclipse for a long time. I m sure jdk is fine ...
the following service startup methods are valid <intent-filter> <action android:name="io.github.grooters.practicer.BindeRer.ServicerTest" > < intent-filter> < service> ...
such as now I want to design an online seat selection system but when users sign up, they can dynamically edit unreserved seats in the background how should I design it from the generation of seats to the final registration, seat selection and editing...