for example: getCookie ( "home_voice ")? True: setCookie ( "home_voice ", 0); it feels strange to true. Do you have a more suitable one? Do not know whether it is feasible to give an empty string ( " ")? ...
< H2 > when exporting a table with phpexcel, one of the problems is how to style a column < H2 > < H2 > because there are too many rows, the corresponding cell or row style is set, and the method is called too many times, resulting in the export is too...
No one answered once before, probably because the description of the question is not very detailed configure the nginx server as follows: add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers Cookie,Set-Cooki...
A company had no idea after thinking about the interview questions for half an hour. $arr = [ [4, 5, 9, 4, 1], [11, 14, 9, 6, 20], [21, 44, 90, 16, 21], [16, 34, 99, 600, 230], [121, 18, 89, 60, 33] ] the array $arr [0] [0] is th...
problem description typical mobile phone number problem. The database varchar, mobile phone number is indexed, but php passes the parameter int public function getByPhone ($phone) { return $this->userFollow ->where( phone , $phone) -&...
1 I want others to visit the web page on the server. has logged in to my account status. Is there any way to do it? 2 clear login status after closing the page have a vps win2008 on hand ...
I have six dates: 2018-07-21 , 2018-08-13 , 2018-08-30 , 2018-9-02 , 2018-09-28 , 2018-11-02 I need to extract the two dates with the smallest time interval, that is, the above dates, I need to extract: 2018-08-30 , 2018-9-02 could you tel...
assume the data table relationship: order order data sheet: order_id public_order_id 1 AAA 2 BBB 3 CCC prod goods data sheet: order_id prod_id 1 100 1 101 1 102 2 101 2 103 3 102 3 104 Front end display AAA BBB CCC when...
$items = array( 1 => array( id => 1, pid => 0, name => ), 2 => array( id => 2, pid => 0, name => ), 3 => array( id => 3, pid => 1, name =&g...
I use the keyup event to automatically save fields to the database html <input type="file" id="file" name="cover" accept="image jpeg, image png, image jpg"> ajax $( body ).on( keyup , -sharpconten...
suppose the following is a loop <form> form <? while ($row = ... { ?> <button class="btn-selector" data-id="<?=$row[ prod_id ];?>">select this< button> <? } ?> < form> if there...
problem description simply restore it. For example, there are two files, A and B . I have modified A, and the online master is also the version, after A has been changed, and then my colleague is changing the B file, but the branch he is based on i...
the interface runs slowly ...
I am like this now. The project has a lot of databases, all under the same mysql server, and there is db,db2,db3 in main.php. Now there is a storage operation like this. Table A comes from db2,B table and comes from db3,. When using transactions, it is ...
what is the cause of this? how to configure? Cancel ...
Is there any special way to write a request for an api, but the result is in such a format? or is it artificially constructed into this format? What is the convenience of ? Why not just return a json object? also hope for advice! ...
The simple task of IIS,PHP7.2 php file output echo will not report an error. if it is complex or has an error IIS, it will report an error HTTP500, the event in the log is FastCgiModule denied access, and php itself does not output any error informa...
if it s just a bunch of database operations, it can also be solved with transactions. if the operations involved are multi-layered, how do you ensure their consistency? if you do it one by one in order, if you fail to do the previous one, you will not...
After Chinese jsonization is saved in the database, it becomes the format of "ud83dudea3u5357u6d77 " . now I want to blur the query, but name like can t find it in Chinese . Is there any function to handle?. ...
problem description was originally cleared when dealing with the later parameter substitution in url in php5. The code is as follows: $url = preg_replace ( ([? &]) src= [^ &] + (&?) eBay, "$2 " = = "? ": "$1 ", $url); but an error in php7 ...
react unit test, input npm test in cmd keeps reporting errors require App.test.js package.json ...
FlatList there is a getItemLayout method this is how the Chinese website is introduced getItemLayout is an optional optimization to avoid the overhead of dynamically sizing content, but only if you know the height of the content in advance. If...
it is found that the first switch of the tab will render the interface request data, and the second switch will automatically cache the interface without requesting the interface. If I want to request the interface every time I switch, what should I do ...
1. Discovery, shopping cart, my page all require the user to log in before requesting data, if there is no login to display the authorization button. 2. My three pages all set whether to display the login button by setting hasLogin:app.globalData in...
the code is as follows import * from xxxx Why is this syntax not supported? Node.js does not support import, and Safari does not support import. Is this ES6 syntax not intended to be supported at all. ...