when using eloquent, you can see from the official document that you can customize the insert field and update the field name, with the link https: laravel-china.org doc.. Next, give the design of the data table: CREATE TABLE `plans`( `id` int(11) ...
I don t know if you have encountered a situation like this when you are programming. Sometimes we need to file_put_contents two files. How to ensure that both files are either written successfully or failed? or sometimes we need to send the same message...
my original table paging function uses pagination in the thinkphp framework: 1 10 $list = Db::name( user )->where( status ,1)->paginate(10); list $this->assign( list , $list); return $this->fetch(); <div> <ul> {v...
in the actual project development of PHP, there is little real application of design patterns in business logic. why? suppose a simple scenario: using yii2 or laravel to develop user management-related functions, most of the time a simple MVC is creat...
php QR key value pair array, how to add elements $data = [[ ts =>5, zl =>105, je =>5000],[ ts =>1, zl =>22, je =>1000],[ ts =>2, zl =>50, je =>1300]]; $abc = [[ ts =>1, zl =>20, je =>1000],[...
write a production and consumption program for redis queue in laravel execute the consumption command, specifying that the connection connection and queue queue name can be consumed normally, but not without specifying the queue name. Why? Shouldn t ...
echo-2 < < 3; I m a little surprised that the result is-16 the following is the process of my analysis: -2 original code: 1000 0000 0000 0010 -2 inverse code: 1111 1111 1111 1101 -2 complement: 1111 1111 1111 1110 < < result: 1111 ...
suddenly encountered a thorny problem. . . suppose there is a xxx.com blog I am using htaccess to rewrite RewriteRule ^ blog$ src blog.php and then I think of a question: suppose I want to set a subdomain name? I want him to read the php file in ...
foreach ($res[ xsumpre ] as $key => $value) { $fsql="select count(*) from (SELECT sum(sumprem) FROM datatom.fccont where signdate BETWEEN $stime AND $etime AND agentcode in(select agentcode from datatom.shouxian_faagenttree where age...
recently, I have been looking at other people s projects and found that some projects separate the user table from the user balance table to create . user-> user Table user balance-> user_balance Table (which contains the user id and the number of us...
foreach ($res [ xsumpre ] as $key = > $value) { $fsql="select count(*) from (SELECT sum(sumprem) FROM datatom.fccont where signdate BETWEEN $stime AND $etime AND agentcode in (select agentcode from datatom.shouxian_faagenttree ...
am I in the middle of installing phpmyadmin and mariadb installation in ubuntu and suddenly I can t log in? phpmyadmin index.php?token=38c2c8ddaee6d0bcf68dd2edac0b039b although he showed token , but he went back to the original login window and cou...
class DBAccess extends PDO{ private $charset; public $cacheDir= _cache_$98sdf29@fw!d-sharps4fef ; public $prename; public $time; function __construct($dsn, $user= , $password= ){ try{ parent::__cons...
recently, when I was learning to develop a php extension and create a class, I compiled successfully, but I reported an error: Segmentation fault (core dumped) when executing the test file * $Id$ * -sharpifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -sharpinclude "conf...
key digital price conversion how to put 0.10 to 0.01 10.10 to 10.01 20.50 to 20.05 30.10 to 30.01 1.52 to 1.25 is to change the position of wool and heel. ...
because all the content here is output by the background rich text editor the rest of the images are normal, only this one. what to do? can only upload normal size when uploading pictures? ...
assume that the front end is <input type="hidden" name="cart_prod_id[]" value="<?=$row[ prod_id ];?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity[]" value="<?=$row[ quan ];?>...
I follow the tutorial to configure the phpunit, test case is this phpstrom cmd dev TestFirst::testAdd with data set "one plus one " is missing from phpstorm. Is this for configuration ? ...
there are three ways for Redis key to expire: passive deletion: when reading writing an expired key, a lazy delete policy is triggered to delete the expired key directly. active deletion: since the lazy deletion policy cannot guarantee that cold d...
when I finish typing my password, press submit screenshot 2018-08-21 4.53.10 pm 2018-08-21 4.54.06 this is the code I think is wrong class AdminController < ApplicationController def log_in @note = session[:note] end def log_out session[:n...
when using iView s Select selector , there is no default choice. How to solve this problem? ...
50 <el-table :data="curr_data" height="700px" key= setTable @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" v-else-if= type=="set" > <el-table-column type= selection ...
carries access_token and refresh_token in the header when requesting the interface. if access_token expires, the new access_token will be obtained according to refresh_token , and then the expiration time of refresh_token will be updated! ...
how do I return the return value of the onload event function through the getColor function? console.log(getColor(URL)); function getColor (URL) { const image = new Image() image.onload = function(){ return {color: red } } image.src =...