for example, if you have the following data, users can search for the name aaa or student number 123456 to get the data of other rows (school, unit, achievement). How can this be achieved ...
The framework uses tp5.1,workman using the composer package officially provided by tp. Would like to ask if the integration of hprose? the attempts made are as follows: Controller (acts as client) access to index did not get any return value, ...
1. You need to use zabbix to monitor jvm, here, but it is found that many of the templates that come with you cannot be used, and many of the key metrics are not well understood, so I came to ask you about the syntax of jmxclient. 2, the following is ...
CREATE TABLE test1 ( id int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar (20) DEFAULT NULL, code varchar (50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id ), KEY idx_code ( code ) CREATE TABLE test2 ( id int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varc...
the artificial customer service system installed by the company uses port 80 of my apache, so if I change my apache port now, my website can only be accessed through if I use the domain name. Is there any way to hide this port number? I us...
how does the xml of wordpress enter the mysql database? <rss version="2.0" xmlns:excerpt="http: export 1.2 excerpt " xmlns:content="http: rss 1.0 modules content " xmlns:wfw="ht...
premise: create a table manually without using the artisan command Fatal error: Uncaught Illuminate Database Eloquent MassAssignmentException: level in D: phpStudy WWW repett simple-mvc-master simple-mvc-master vendor illuminate database El...
both projects encountered an unresponsive Safari ajax submission. there are text and file fields in the form. The file field is used to upload the cover image. there is no problem when it is created. When I modify it, I don t want to change the cov...
1.php php -m neither. the point is that I was running normally the day before. No changes have been made. also disappeared with the Swoole extension. Baidu s methods have no effect. Have any bosses ever encountered this kind of situatio...
want to achieve: the device connects to the server through tcp, and the server processes it in real time and then forwards the message to a web page in real time (you can use websocket), framework to use worker or gateway, to ask for advice ...
problem description Wechat JSSDK config displays OK,checkJsApi, shows OK, and then there is no response. It does not play the sharing interface and does not report an error . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have trie...
Extra returned when analyzing explain of MySQL: Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables because I used the primary key id query, but this primary key does not exist. But I don t know if this will slow down the query. If it slows down...
first of all, the title of this question is inaccurate, so let s explain the requirements. is using thinkphp 5.1 as an information management background. Now there is a need to have some real-time information, such as messages within the enterprise, ...
I really don t know how to generate this MsgId. I have tried to write the following words incorrectly . public function msgId($spid, $sqid) { $timeStr = time(); echo sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%07d%05d", date( m , ...
as the title the cookie information saved locally is as follows -sharp Netscape HTTP Cookie File -sharp https: docs http-cookies.html -sharp This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. ...
php regular match doc or pdf extension match doc or pdf extension 1212.doc 1419421.pdf in the following document preg_match_all( |(.*).doc|U , $namelist[$j], $nn[$j]); previously used is | (. *). Doc | U, which can only match doc,. Now I want b...
after the message is sent successfully, the receiving end will receive the second message again after one minute PS:An opens the chat page to send a message to B, and after a minute, B s chat interface will repeatedly receive the message sent by A ...
for example, in the master-slave replication architecture of mysql, SQL threads often fail to execute and lead to replication being stranded. I want to know how people generally deal with this situation ...
1. The commonly used mysql singleton class can work when there is only a single mysql machine, but when there are multiple mysql machines, you need to create connections between multiple machines, but you still want to create only one connection for one ...
<div class="fl contain_text_l"> CHINASHOP, supported by China Chain Store & Franchise Association a solely Chinese national retail organization, has been bringing cutting-edge technologies and brand new solutions to th...