assume that nginx is on the server return the content after http: a.mp4 agent when you want to access http: a.mp4 how should the configuration file be written location ~* ^ _proxy (.*)$ { proxy_pass $1; } ...
recently, I am doing crawlers to grab data. In order to prevent the native ip from being blocked, I bought an Ali cloud server of dynamic ip, but encountered a problem: how to forward all external requests to their given target website on this Ali cloud...
I configured tinyproxy, on one server, but I want it to forward all its requests to the tinyproxy proxy on another server, that is, the tinyproxy in the middle is just a springboard. I did not find the corresponding configuration item in the tinyproxy do...
http: is an address outside the wall with a ladder locally, so direct access is ok. but during development, the node layer uses http-proxy-middleware as a proxy, for example: app.use( api abc , proxy({ target: http:
has been implementing a feature recently. Use php curl to submit data to post to query a station to query the order page (because the function of the station is not open to api, so I want to use curl to simulate the form to submit the query). After writi...
Code first public static function curl_get_https($url){ echo $url; $curl = curl_init(); CURL curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTR...
problem description: the interface can only be accessed through the ip of 3499, and the is not hung on the 3499. attempted 1 cannot be accessed locally without a vpn agent (...
in the process of developing a module, some code appears repeatedly in multiple business classes. I want to strip it out and write it as a separate method, but I don t know where to write it, because the method is also related to business, so it feels s...
take a look at the prototype and just add an attribute to the object. If the object needs this property, can t you just add it at the beginning of creation? If you need this property for an instance, you might as well refine the subclass and add the att...
question: foresee a problem during development, that is, when I post submit data, multiple sub-packages are combined into a large package. Now the backend service has a limit. If the package exceeds 30 kb, split it. For example, this package is made up...
just finished learning the basics of Vue, writing a component for uploading video uploader-component , including two sub-components: drag-uploader and select-uploader , respectively, drag and drop files and click to add files. Now I have an array of ...
when Tree is checkStrictly attribute, antd ...