1.laravel created a new resource controller class UserController extends Controller { public function index() { echo "i am index"; } public function create() { echo "i am create"; } pu...
problem description hive is stuck or has no speed while executing mapreduce read the log hadoop resourcemanager reported an error 2018-07-17 19br 17br the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried set up a hadoop c...
suppose that thread 1 executes wait (), thread 2 to acquire lock resources, while thread 3 starts to execute synchronized to compete for lock resources, and thread 2 uses notifyAll () to wake up thread 1 before ending, so which thread 1 or thread 3 can ...
formantd-mobileInputItemborder-bottom,onfocusbugcss ...
run the laravel framework in the docker environment, using the predis extension. In the link redis Times made an error: ...
as shown in the figure, it just tells me that a test has been skipped, but does not tell me which test method has been skipped. What should I do? is there any way to make it show the skipped method? ...
problem description When an Object, in PHP declares a variable whose value is a string of method or property names in an object and then calls it through dynamic characteristics, why do so many people (examples in Laravel source code and PHP manuals) ...
because the video is large, the upload progress should be displayed, so there are two steps: 1 users select the temporary directory where the files are uploaded to ECS in the browser, and cron cleans the directory regularly; 2 users fill in the video ...