I use Supervisor for process control etc supervisor conf.d onehomeServer.conf [program:onehomeServer] command=sudo home fanfei onehomeServer env bin gunicorn --bind unix: tmp www.fanfei.site.socket onehomeServer.asgi:application directory= home fanf...
I bought a server, and I encountered some problems when deploying flask program for the first time, as follows Google found that you can directly use gunicorn3 to support python3 . After the server is installed, it can be started using gunicorn3...
deploy the flask project using centos7.6 supervisor, and the calling database always reports an exception SystemExit: 1 the exception code posted below 2018-12-25 20:59:46 [15759: Website Pilot app v0_1 user view.py:127] [ERROR] code_login Traceback (...
if gevent+flask starts the project directly on the command line, the print of the log file will be output normally on the screen but if the project is started under supervisor, there will be a delay in refreshing the supervisor.log file Project startu...
I put redis into supervisor monitoring, I put redis startup command redis-server in the PATH attribute of etc profile, executed source etc profile, and manually specified that redis-server can start redis. now I m going to put redis into monitoring...
there is a graphics class celery task that must be run under windows. typing celery directly on the command line can run successfully as a whole and get the correct results. while using nssm to package celery as a service to start, although the task c...
guys take a look at it for me, thanks to 1, an empty project generated by express, normal process cnpm I 2, I used supervisor to monitor, so I wrote a command in package.json "dev ": "supervisor-I. node_modules-x babel-node. bin www " but af...
supervisord profile [program:satis] command= usr local webserver php-7.1.15 bin php artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=2 --daemon user=www start supervisord as a root user then add to the php echo exec( whoami ); output: www outputs www , ...
error: vue.esm.js?efeb:591 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "list ". Expected, got Array. this is the initialization of list ...
because vue version 2.5 or above is required to use element-ui, this error is reported after updating the vue, refresh page separately. I really don t understand. links on the diagram ...
var a = { b: [1,2,3,4], c: [3,4,5,65], ... ... } for example, object a I want to iteratively get the value in bbr c in object a, how to get the real problem is more complicated, this is just a simple example Sorry, maybe my example is too simple to...
The document says, "this restriction does not exist if we use templates from the following sources. " Why? ...
as shown in the title, when I type sf.gg in the browser address bar, I will be redirected to https: codeshelper.com www " and should be redirected to https: codeshelper.com . Is it the browser or the website? ...